Chapter 18 - Heartstrings

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Y/n shyly opened the door to her room. She hopped to the side of the door and stretched out her arm, inviting Todoroki in. 

"Um, here!" Y/n smiled awkwardly. 

"Thank you." he said with a small nod as he headed inside y/n's room. She followed him inside as he wandered a little around the room. Todoroki glanced back at her, making her gulp with nervousness. 

Woah... for some reason, this feels so surreal.. him being in my room...

"So, um, here it is! Nothing special, really, but, it's my room." y/n rambled, trying to change the topic in her own head because it was making her face turn pink. 

"It's nice. I like your room." Todoroki said calmly. Y/n's eyes widened with his straightforwardness, but she gave him a small, embarrassed smile. 

Todoroki turned his gaze away to y/n's shelf. Walking up to it, he inspected a piece of paper placed in front of the books. He tilted his head with curiosity and picked up the piece of paper. He turned to y/n, who walked over to see what he was doing. 

Todoroki held the paper up; it was a drawing by y/n's young cousin Hana, of the two of them in the park.

"Did your little sister make this?" he asked inquisitively. Y/n laughed and shook her head.

"Oh, no! My little cousin, Hana, drew that." y/n grinned. 

She hopped over to her desk and grabbed her phone. Y/n walked back over to Todoroki and stepped next to him. He leaned in and looked down at her phone screen. 

"Ah, here! That's her." y/n smiled as she pulled up a picture of her, Hana and the rest of her extended family. "That's us, with her brother and my aunt and uncle." 

"Oh. Nice." Todoroki commented. 

"Thanks! Although, I guess you could say that Hana is like a little sister to me." y/n chuckled as she put her phone away. She turned to Todoroki and shyly smiled at him. He looked in her eyes, making her aware of their sudden proximity, thanks to y/n showing him the photos on her phone. 

"Um, anyway... do you have any siblings?" y/n asked. Todoroki nodded and combed his hand through his hair, making y/n's heart skip a little.

Wow... with his hair pushed back... he just.. wow.

"Yes. I'm the youngest of four." he answered calmly. Y/n tilted her head with surprise.

"Wait, really?" she inquired.

"Yes." Todoroki replied. He raised his eyebrow at her, confused by her disbelief. "Why do you ask?"

"Oh! Well, it's just... I assumed you were an only child, that's all!" Y/n said with an embarrassed smile. 

Huh, I didn't know Endeavour had more kids...

Todoroki huffed for a moment and crossed his arms.

"You did?" he asked.

"Um... yep." she replied. He looked down for a moment, seemingly puzzled, then back at y/n, his expression softer. Y/n giggled a little and walked over to her bed, plopping herself down. She gestured for Todoroki to sit down on her desk chair, which he politely accepted and sat down.

"Huh. Anyway. You showed me those pictures of your cousins and aunt and uncle. Do you have any brothers or sisters?" he asked lightly.

"Oh. Well, no. I mean, I was... going to have a sibling." y/n smiled sadly, scratching the back of her head. Todoroki furrowed his brows, noticing the change in her expression.

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