Chapter 33 - The Fight

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"Clones are useful, aren't they, Twice?" Shigaraki drawled, sending a shiver down y/n's spine.

"COWARDS!" yelled Endeavour up at the roof, fire blazing higher with his anger.

"You heroes are so pathetic." Shigaraki chuckled. 

The green, scaled man pulled something out from behind the chimney and handed it to Shigaraki. Y/n's eyes widened in alarm. She recognized it immediately; the black box she found with Todoroki at school! The recording device!

"You and Shoto are *so* cute in those videos!" suddenly squeaked a high-pitched voice behind y/n. She turned around in absolute shock to find the blonde schoolgirl behind her, a psychotic smile on her face.


Y/n jumped up to fight her, but the girl simply dodged and stabbed the top of her left arm, making y/n cry out in pain. While her centre of gravity was off, the school girl kicked her to the ground. Y/n landed hard on her back. Before she could even think about getting up, the blonde jumped on top and straddled her, pushing her uninjured hand down.

AH! Shit!

"Still haven't figured it out the *real* bait yet?" Shigaraki called out. 

Y/n turned her head to see the scaly man with the knives drag someone out from behind the chimney, head down, hands tied and staggering along, barley conscious. 

She froze in complete and utter shock.

Oh my god. 

"SHOTO!" Endeavour yelled out, shocked to see his son being tossed in front of Shigaraki. Y/n struggled against the blonde girl, horrified as Shigaraki pushed Todoroki down to his knees, lifting up his face and wrapping four bony fingers around his neck. Y/n gasped for air, as if it was her own neck being strangled.

"The number 1 hero has no family to lose. However, you, Endeavour, do." Shigaraki said, tightening his grip as Todoroki struggled against him. "Of course, your family is too protected. So that's where the devices came in handy, tracking your son to see if there was anyone he cared about..."

"SHO!!" y/n screamed out, tears streaming down her face. 

The blonde girl slid a knife down her other arm, y/n yelling out in pain as a line of blood poured down onto the ground. Todoroki turned his head and widened his eyes at her, blood dripping from his nose, mouthing her name. Shigaraki glanced over to the side at y/n. 

The villain's blood red eyes made y/n instantly feel cold all over. But she stared daringly right back at him, despite the fear wrenching at her heart.

If I can just distract him, maybe Shoto can get away!-

"And by the looks of it, we lured the other one here too." he chuckled. "Oh, her little family was much easier to get to."  Y/n's eyes widened. 

Hana was bait... for Shoto? 

She clenched her fists, horrified.

Oh god, no way. 

"You fucking criminal!" y/n screamed, sheer anger expelling all of the fear from her heart. Shigaraki only stared back, watching her lash out against the psychotic schoolgirl.

"Tomura-kun!!! Can I kill her!?! PLEASE?!?" the blonde girl whined loudly. 

"After this one, Toga." Shigaraki replied. 

Y/n growled and struggled against 'Toga' who slammed her hand onto the side of y/n's face, forcing her to watch Shigaraki.

"Now, Endeavour... are you ready to watch your son die?" Shigaraki announced. Y/n locked eyes desperately with Todoroki, dread overflowing from her heart into the rest of her body. 

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