Chapter 1 - Squeak

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It was a pretty day, well the day had almost ended it was evening and the sky looked gorgeous, the shades of blue, orange, pink merging together forming a beautiful picture. A picture Taehyung decided to capture in his phone as he clicked a few pictures from his balcony and chose the best one, the best one happened to be his new lockscreen.

Well, Kim Taehyung age twenty-five, pretty young yet settled batchelor who had a stable job. Nothing else he could ever need, all he needed was a warm embrace to end his day with.

Been in a handful of relationships ofcourse, but all of them ended up, some with no hard feelings some with hate for eternity.

Taehyung couldn't help but feel that he couldn't be the 'perfect' in the relationships, he'd never let his ego down. If he wasn't wrong he wouldn't ask for, like... Why would he? It's not his fault, he won't do shit to get back at someone who can't get his point.

At times he'd be at fault, he will do anything for the person to forgive him ,with a specific limits ofcourse.

Sighing and craning his neck, later stretched his arms, he had grown a mild attraction for gyms but only for his arms which had got buff, his stomach was flat and had a not much slender waist. He was an art of god ofcourse with heavenly features.

The ringtone of his phone gained his attention as a smile bloomed on his lips seeing his mother call him, sliding the answer button on the screen he held his phone near his left.

"Hey Taehyung-ie, how was your day sweetheart?"

His mother's voice was so melodious that it made him sigh in content, the smile never leaving his lips as he answered all his mother's questions and asking a few.

"Umm... Taehyung-ie"

There was a slight change in the raven head's mother's tone making him lean forward on the couch he was sitting previously- the couch being placed in his balcony itself.

"Yeah" Taehyung waited until his mother spoke her next words, it took the lady a few minutes before she started.

"You actually don't have anyone in your life right? Be honest" the last words of the lady was stern as Taehyung gulped before answering.

"No, I have no one- I am not even looking at someone. You know what I mean, right?" Taehyung answered hearing his mother sigh.

"Are you okay to get settled with a boy- man?"

After the lady spoke her words there was a squeak like sound heard which Taehyung assumed that his mother didn't made any of those sounds.

"Well I'm bisexual, so anything works. What are you talking about?" Taehyung stretched the words 'you' and implied pressure on it while speaking. Deciding not to question about that squeak like sound.

"So there is this boy-" Ms. Kim was again cut off by the squeak like sound making her huff before she started going off at that third person who was maybe the reason of those squeaks.

"Jungkook I know are a twenty-three year old man, but you are still a boy, don't act like I'm changing your whole gender let me talk to my son" the lady huffed.

Taehyung heard someone mumbling of a few words which was intensinally spoken slowly so he couldn't hear what conversation the 'Jungkook' guy was conversing with his mother.

"There is this twenty-three year old man, him being five feet and a half inches tall a little buff he also has abs with a thin waist, his ass-" the line went dead after a more few mumbling and Taehyung just blinked looking at his phone.

Sometimes he couldn't understand his mother and what's exactly going on in her mind, again his phone rang he again slided the answer button.

"I'm sorry for the inconveniences that bunny like human caused it not me" there was a pause and Taehyung decided not to speak and waited for his mother to speak again.

"So Jeon Jungkook, he is unfortunately a orphan poor baby he is such a cutie pie he makes the best tteokbokki. He is twenty- three year old and a  graduate, he works as a helper for my flower shop for three months now-"

"Wait wait, you are telling me you had a helper and I didn't know? Eomma I told you not to appoint anyone you find-"

"Shut up he is a nice super cute guy and I want him to be my son-in-law" the lady stated proudly and Taehyung again heard a squeak.

"Oh- no only if you want he likes you and says you are handsome- come on Jungkook don't be so dramatic and stop jumping around like that" his mother directly started speaking at the Jungkook guy leaving Taehyung all confused.

"So you want me to marry him?" Taehyung asked standing up and walking inside his living room.

"Are you dumb?" Ms. Kim deadpanned and Taehyung could literally feel the glare she must have right now.

"I want you to meet him and know him. He really is a very kind child the world has been too harsh on him" there was a hint of sadness in her voice making Taehyung sigh.

"He is around you, right? Can I talk to him?" Taehyung walked in his kitchen while hearing his mother forcing Jungkook to talk as the male was maybe refusing to it but after a while Taehyung heard Jungkook speak.

"He-hello it's Jungkook speaking"

Taehyung had to make himself stable before answering, the males was so soft and sweet that the raven head knew that angels must sound like that. But gathering himself and cringing at his own self for thinking such things he spoke.

"Hey, this is Taehyung" Taehyung cleared his throat.

"I know"

"Okay so are you sure you wanna try this out? Like aren't you too young?" Taehyung questioned, heck even he was young.

"Are you gonna marry me as soon as you see me or before we get to know eachother properly?" Jungkook questioned and ofcourse it caught Taehyung off guard making the older of the two males chuckle.

"Ofcourse no" Taehyung again cleared his throat before speaking, "Okay, so I will pay a visit tommorow. Bye"

"Bye, good night"

Taehyung looked at the phone again scrunching his face why was everything so awkward? He didn't even ask for a picture of Jungkook, he didn't greet the 'good night' back? He didn't apply for a leave? How the hell he gonna visit when he doesn't have the damn leave?

Sighing Taehyung started to text his bestfriend Jimin telling him that he has to go to meet mother and them working in the same office Jimin would clear stuff for him.

It would be an understatement if it was said that Taehyung wasn't exited he was very much excited, something about Jungkook had attracted him. And he wanted to actually get to know more about Jungkook.

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