Chapter 19 - Balance

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The street buzzed with the hurried steps and walking, the distant sounds of cars zooming off, it was a pretty night with the whole street lighted up in the yellowish glow, the vendors calling out for the people passing by trying to grab their attention in need to selling of their stuff, the scent of tteokbokki sauce fluttering around the air watering the mouths of the people who got the whiff of it.

There was a constant hustle a little push and pull here and there, loud laughter of a group of teenagers passing by it was quite a normal life for people who walked around this almost everyday, but Taehyung was legit pissed at his bestfriend as he looked over his side and squinted his eyes at the excited bestfriend of his who was looking around which his eyes wide shining in awe.


"Yes?" Jimin looked at Taehyung, the eye smile he had irked Taehyung for the first time he had been around Jimin.

"You're a bitch" Taehyung scoffed, he adjusted the white mask pulling it a bit up his nose bridge as he and Jimin walked through the busy street of Seoul, there were lines of shops and Jimin wanted to buy something for Yoongi as his boyfriend was off to a business trip for a few months.

"The fuck did I do?" Jimin questioned a gasp following with it as he grabbed Taehyung's arm pulling his tall bestfriend closer to him.

"I would prefer being home and resting right now, rather than walking around this street" Taehyung said with a roll of eyes, he sighed knowing that Jungkook was alone in their home and the younger might be getting bored.

Taehyung had promised Jungkook that they'd watch a movie together together but he was rather forced by Jimin to accompany him.

"Home? It's the first time I heard you calling your apartment as home, good to hear Jungkook makes you feel like that" Jimin said and Taehyung didn't need to look at Jimin knowing well that his bestfriend had a huge smile stretched over his plump lips which was also covered by a black mask.

"Anywhere with Jungkook feels like home now-a-days" Taehyung muttered silently, an unknown smile tugging up his lips as Jungkook's smiling face suddenly seemed to pop in front of his vision, sad Jungkook wasn't actually around him.

"Woah! Woah! Woah! I mean— my bestfriend is being all cheesy and stuff, huh?" Jimin said amused, he chuckled and said a quiet, "Wow" under his breath.

"Not being cheesy but he sounded a bit dejected when I said I'd be late over the call" Taehyung said, he pressed his lips into a thin line looking around the shops while Jimin clung onto his arm.

"Tae you are in love within just three months? On top of that you don't even know much about Jungkook" Jimin didn't want to raise any walls but he really wanted Taehyung to play safe with whatever he was having with Jungkook, the balance of known and unknown was supposed to be known afterall.

"Jungkook's past is something that I least know about, I don't know if it would affect our future or not, I sometimes feel like I don't at all know him" Taehyung sighed his gaze flickered towards Jimin who hummed in an understanding way.

"Something has to be dug in his past, no person let's out squeaks— does he have tourette's?" Jimin cut himself off with the sudden question.

"No he doesn't, I have checked his medical reports... yeah I sneaked around his stuff, but it was just genuine curiosity," Taehyung said and was quick enough to come clean to his bestfriend, he looked at Jimin again, he knew the shorter male didn't seem to like the idea of him sneaking around Jungkook's stuff but let the topic go for now.

"Any trauma?" Jimin carefully questioned his eyes darting towards the jewelry shop.

"Well, we don't know until Jungkook actually speaks about it" Taehyung muttered again and sighed when Jimin pulled him towards the jewelry shop.

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