Chapter 25 - Immature

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"The lunch was delicious" Jae-won praised as he kept his chopsticks on the top of his plate joining his hands briefly thanking God for his meal.

"Thank you for saying that" Jungkook smiled and got up placing his own chopsticks in the top of his plate, he took Jae-won's and Taehyung's plate as the raven head was already done eating.

"As always I would say you cook the best sweetness" Taehyung blinked his slowly as he looked at Jungkook, the younger smiled at him before going behind the counter entering the kitchen.

"What about my cooking? Do you miss it?" Jae-won questioned lowly as he glanced at Jungkook who had his back turned towards them.

"Kinda" Taehyung said with a smile.

"So, tell me about how you and Jungkook met?" Jae-won questioned as he situated his elbows on the table looking at Taehyung who had a silly smile playing over his lips.

"Through eomma we met, Jungkook was working in the flower shop and also as a helper in the house" Taehyung spoke as he glanced at Jungkook who was silently washing the dishes.

"So he is a house helper afterall" Jae-won said with a laugh tumbling through his plump lips.

"Was" Taehyung said with a frown.

"Huh?" Jae-won asked with a srunched nose.

"Jungkook was a helper and I don't get what's so laughable?" Taehyung questioned and shrugged, his gaze again trailing towards Jungkook seeing the younger bob his head maybe to some random tune in his head.

"I broke up with my boyfriend" Jae-won let out with a sigh slipping pass his lips, his heart thundered in his chest with tears pricking in his eyes.

"You broke up Ji-sul? Wasn't he the one who was perfect for you and your needs? Ya'know what I mean by needs right?" Taehyung let out his words leaning back on the chair, his gaze still was fixed on Jungkook who was pouting with his veins popping on his lean arms applying pressure on the stained pan.

His bun was just so attractive even when washing utensils and Taehyung was so gay for his sweetness.

"I do, it's just not the same... as with you Tae" the blondie spoke now finally having Taehyung's attention, he held a eye contact with Taehyung's slightly confused yet firm ones.

"Continue" Taehyung urged as he leaned forward, his arms crossed around his chest with his eyes narrowing as his gaze zeroed on his ex.

"I just want to say that whatever I had with you, was way more special to me, the way you held me in your arms the way we made love" Jae-won let out a sad smile tugging up his lips as he gazed at Taehyung.

Taehyung almost widened his eyes seeing the sparkes of Jae-won's deep feelings dancing around his umber irises, he almost felt guilty but he reminded himself that he shouldn't have felt guilty, things between him and Jae-won was closed up a year ago also his ex wasn't as good he seemed to be.

"We didn't made love, we had sex" Taehyung said finality lacing his voice, "You and I both know we weren't in love to term the sex we had as love making"

"I was in love with you! I thought we made love!" Jae-won bursted as he stood up banging his palm on the wooden table.

Taehyung sat deadly silent even after Jae-won's sudden outburst, his gaze fleeting towards Jungkook seeing the younger male stare at the blonde with wide eyes, it hurt emotionally and even physically to Taehyung seeing Jungkook's eyes holding a tinge of betrayal.

"Again we didn't make love we just fucked, I wasn't in love with you nor were you, I don't know where this all coming from" Taehyung sighed deeply after saying his words but there wasn't even a sheer amount emotions in his eyes and though he was maintaining his cool, unbothered facade he knew how his heart was thunding in his chest with his arms feeling numb.

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