Chapter 53 - Reunion

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"Uff—" Jungkook breathed out, stumbling his way towards the door now dressed in a casual t-shirt and shorts, keeping away the other clothes Taehyung had brought for him, "what hyung forgot this time?" 

Without once checking through the peephole, already being assured that it would be Taehyung on the door, he unlocked and pulled open the door.

He stumbled back seeing a bunch of police officers that were surrounding some old couple he wasn't aware of.

"Ju-jungkook?" The lady let out, her breath ragged as she touched his cheek and like any other person Jungkook flinched away.

"Sorry? But who are you?" Jungkook politely questioned, his hands shaking seeing all those police officers making his nerves spike up with anxiety.

"You don't remember us?" She said again, eyes already brimming with tears, her wrinkled hand holding on for Jungkook's as if her life depended on it, eagerly staring at the boy in front of her.

"He wouldn't of course, he was just six back then." The man spoke, he was bald and had a soft smile stretched over his lips while his eyes seemed as saddened as the lady's were.

This all was scaring Jungkook now, "Excuse me?"

"Koo I'm aunt fairy, bunny uncle… remember us please my child please." The lady begged, before she broke down, bringing her hand held in Jungkook's near her forehead touching it, crying out wishing for him to again and again recognize them.

"Are you both really the-them?" Jungkook asked, looking at the man, seeing the man smile wider than before, all the set of his teeth present— stretching up into that bunny smile of his.

That was surely his bunny uncle, they shared the same smile of course— he didn't remember their faces, just remembered how he was supposed to recognize them.

And for his fairy aunt— the woman raised up her gaze, smiling ever so softly, eyes shining bright green color, the wrinkles around her eyes somehow made Jungkook tear up.

His fairy aunt had green eyes— bright verdant eyes, back then he thought just fairies had such beautiful eyes.

He couldn't hold back, he broke out with the loud sob as he embraced the lady, feeling warm when another body surrounded him, he looked up just to see his bunny uncle smiling at him.

Their embrace still seemed as warm and safe as before.

Nostalgic it felt.

He found his two favorite people for whom he always kept living in that orphanage in the hopes of them coming back.

For years, he waited for them to come to him, standing on the gates for hours waiting for a glimpse of them, crying all night because they didn't show up one day he gave up all his hope of seeing them again.

Just too tired— he was too tired.

But seeing them again Jungkook had absolutely no grudge, just a question, "why didn't you come back to Koo?" He sobbed, resting on the man's chest while the lady sobbed in his embrace.

"We were like any other day there to meet you Koo, we were." The man said, his voice sounded heavy, as he took deep breaths, his own tears silently sliding down, before he pressed a firm kiss over Jungkook's forehead, "They lied to us— that woman lied saying you were adopted…" he trailed off, holding Jungkook and his wife tight against him, eyes closing in complete bliss.

"Why didn't you look in the building… I was right inside, waiting." Jungkook whimpered, pulling away from the hug, looking at those two faces he didn't even remember anymore, he felt nauseous with all the overwhelming feelings.

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