Chapter 51 - Realization

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They kept kissing like starved for all of their lives, hands roaming over all the other's bodies wanting to feel the warmth radiating under their own palms.

Taehyung pulled away, taking deep breaths staring down at Jungkook amused by how much of a mess his sweetness was already under him, hair everywhere, eyes blown wide, lips shiny and swollen, cheeks having a deep red color.

Fuck— a menace he looked like this, a sinful desire wrapped up in white sheets of innocence just ready to be ruined.

"Hyung…" He called out in the sweet voice of his that always have enthralled Taehyung to a level he couldn't hold on himself and leaned down back against pressing wet kisses over all the exposed skin for him to cherish.

Yet, he wanted more.

Today he'd be that reckless boy from years ago and please his fiancé.

"Yes my pretty baby, what is it?" Taehyung asked, hand sneaked under the t-shirt Jungkook was wearing, caressing the soft skin there thumb dipping in the belly button making the sweet giggle of his darling ring around making his lips curl into a smile too as he smoothed his fingertips around.

"Hyungie~" Jungkook whined or giggled— something in between maybe— looking up at the man with his eyes crinkled in happiness, "it tickles." He whispered.

"I know, love," Taehyung smiled, "and you look absolutely adorable giggling, darling."

Looking away Jungkook had nothing to say, gnawing on his bottom lip making the dimples on the corner of his lips show themselves, cheeks as rosy as ever thinking about the things that would be happening in the next minutes.

It's been quite a while since they have seen each other without clothes, completely bare and vulnerable.

Still, Jungkook raised no question or even showed even a bit slight hesitancy when Taehyung asked if he could take off his t-shirt, he didn't feel weird when he saw Taehyung's eyes roaming all over his bare torso and when he pulled down his shorts with the other man watching his every movement the goosebumps pricked his skin.

He felt calm, safe, home under Taehyung's watchful eyes.

His skin burned— oh that sweet burn he missed— when Taehyung's hand flattened against his chest, those calloused hands seemed to leave a burning trail wherever they laid.

That single drop of sweat that slided down his temple had nothing to do than to hang on his jaw for a while before dropping down his chest, and Taehyung's dark eyes traced the line of the sweat drop.

There Taehyung worded out, "A fucking menace you are."

"Nu-uh." Jungkook mumbled, lips jutting out in a pout sliding back on the bed as Taehyung seemed to climb over to him, his nerves spiked up and he squeaked.

'No, not again.'

That's the only thing that ringed into his mind as he folded his lips to keep all his embarrassing sounds right in his throat, eyes clamped shut, only to flutter open when he felt Taehyung's fingers caressing his cheeks before what he presumed and later confirmed being Taehyung's thumb parting his lips and smoothening against the skin of it.

"Don't keep those pretty sounds sealed, I'd love to hear you, sweetheart." Taehyung hummed, leaning closer, the pad of his thumb wiping off the saliva on the bottom lip, "I love you." He said.

"I—" he squeaked, "I love you, to-too."

"As you should, my darling."

Jungkook nodded his head, eyes dropping down to Taehyung's lips and he lurched forward to kiss those full lips of other's, he licked around the skin and they parted he penetrated his tongue inside the older's mouth moaning when Taehyung scraped his teeth on his tongue.

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