Chapter 58 - Overweighs

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"My words were unchecked and mean, I'm sorry."

"I was being too annoying and made people around scold you, I'm sorry."

They stared at each other after their apologies and then Jungkook just lurched himself into Taehyung's arms, straddling his lap and clutching tight on his fiancé, humming when his back was given soft rubs.

"I love you." Jungkook whispered, snuggling into Taehyung's neck, fingers already tangled into the mess of dark hair fingertips pressing over the scalp— just to soothe the headache Taehyung is going through.

"Love you too." Taehyung smiled a little, pecking over Jungkook's ear. "And my head is fine now, thank you." He pulled back, taking Jungkook's hands in his and caressing over the knuckles, jaw still clenched because he was still a bit annoyed with whatever happened.

He just had woken up— fifteen or so minutes ago— from his nap, only to find Jungkook hugging him whispering strings of apologies, now both of them had their apologizing done.

Breathing out, Jungkook bit on his inner cheek looking up at Taehyung. "Are you still mad?"

His sharp eyes met Jungkook's doe ones, those were a little red, swollen around the rim, this made him feel guilty as he shook his head, "I'm not."

But then again, he was only sorry for his unchecked words, not for yelling at Jungkook, every human has their limitations and everyone has a certain point of anger— he isn't the one losing his temper over silly things— he was, still is terribly pissed off over Jungkook's actions.

But the guilt overweighs the anger.

"Liar." Jungkook pouted, he pulled his hands out of Taehyung's hold seeing the older roll his eyes briefly.

"Fine." Taehyung sighed, reaching up to caress Jungkook's tinted cheek. "I will be okay in a day or two, the anger would subside on its own, don't worry." He gave a smile to the younger male. "Now, if you excuse me, I have to work, Jungkook."

All those smiles were forced, Jungkook knew it was, if not anything more, he was hating the fact that his name was taken— it literally felt worse than an insult for now.

Taehyung's voice held no warmth, just suppression of probably the words he wanted to say and didn't voice out just because he didn't want to hurt him— at this point, Jungkook thinks he deserves Taehyung's anger and the humiliation he was entitled to.

His fiancé suffered humiliation too, Taehyung was literally yelled at by the old lady that was always sweet to him and got cursed on by someone who is younger than him in age— it all seemed funny to him until he realized how much they affected Taehyung.

"Can I get a kiss?" He asked, already knowing the answer.

"Please, not now, I'm really not into the mood for anything else." Taehyung sighed, very well aware that the kissing would always lead to something more and honestly he didn't even feel like doing anything like that.

Not now at least.

Softly cupping Taehyung's jaw Jungkook made the older face him, leaning closer breathing over those plump lips, looking up from his thick lashes seeing his finacé's eyes as sharp as ever— irises looked darker and clearly showing the annoyance suppressed.

Leaning forward, Jungkook pecked Taehyung's lips, once, twice, thrice… many more followed, those dry pecks getting wetter until he kissed Taehyung, delicately smiling when the kiss was returned. He could feel the older man relaxing under his touch, moaning softly when Taehyung's arms wrapped around his waist pulling closer.

As always, Taehyung was found in a trance of Jungkook's charms— he swore that the younger was surely some kind of magician that always has him this weak— that too every-fucking-time.

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