Chapter 27 - Chocolate

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The sweetness of chocolate ball melted in Jungkook's mouth as he hummed in delight, he sucked around the sweet treat swirling his tougue around refusing to use his teeth.

A smile stretched up his chocolate coated lips as he remembered these were the treats Taehyung had brought for him when he returned from Japan.

Jungkook had a sweet tooth, he absolutely loved sweets and that's the reason it was just four days above the week and the packets of chocolates Taehyung had brought were already close to finishing.

There was some random drama going on the television as Jungkook continued to look at his screen his eyes widening at when the female main lead slapped the male main lead.

There was a distinct sound of clicking and Jungkook had ignored it thinking it came from the television speakers also it was just half hour passed six and Taehyung doesn't return until eight, he carefully swirled his tougue around the sweet treat in his mouth looking intensely at the drama.

"Bun, I'm home!"

"Wha—" Jungkook almost choked as he moved quick on his feet standing at the door seeing Taehyung take off his shoes.

"Sweetness I was thinking..." Taehyung stopped talking trailing off his words as he glanced at Jungkook his eyes roaming around the younger's body completely checking out him.

"Isn't that my sweater?" Taehyung asked as he placed his bag on the  floor walking towards the younger.

"It is" Jungkook answered but his voice was slightly weird as the chocolate ball was still in his mouth.

"And?" Taehyung questioned standing right in front of Jungkook his arms as usual curled around the younger's waist pulling him closer.

"It's comfy" Jungkook said with a shrug, he puckered his lips and heard Taehyung chuckle before his lips were swiftly pecked by the older, it was just a brush of lips but that touch sent goosebumps all over Jungkook's skin.

"What were you thinking about?" Jungkook asked as he clung onto Taehyung's arm after they parted away from the embrace, he looked up at the older with his wide hazel eyes.

"Since I'm home early today, wanna go on a date?" Taehyung asked looking down at the younger in adoration, he literally loved how Jungkook always was so cute, the younger wasn't even trying and still Taehyung's heart seemed to pace up it's speed of pumping blood.

"Yes!" Jungkook giggled as he stood on his tip toes and pecked Taehyung's cheek with the subtle noise of his lips softly smacking against the older's cheek.

"What are you eating sweetness?" Taehyung asked with a chuckle as they walked towards the living room.

"Balls" Jungkook said said out as he pulled Taehyung towards the couch and made the older sit on it.

"Oh—wait, what!?" Taehyung asked his eyes widened looking at Jungkook, he thought if he heard Jungkook's words right.

"Chocolate balls" Jungkook said as he walked towards the kitchen taking a glass from the cabinet and filling water in it.

"Share?" Taehyung questioned as he took of his blazer and laid it on his side leaning back on the couch he loosened his tie and unbuttoned his first two buttons of his grey shirt exhaling a loud sigh.

"Okay, wait" Jungkook said as he again sucked on the chocolate in his mouth, he picked the glass between his fingers and walked towards Taehyung he poked the older's cheek and gave him the glass of water.

"Thank you bun" Taehyung said as he brought the rim of the glass near his lips and took gulps of the water finally getting rid of his dry throat.

Placing the glass on the coffee table Taehyung looked at Jungkook who was busy unwrapping the chocolate between his finger tips that were peeking out of the sweat paws.

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