Chapter 41 - Touches

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Several nights passed away and things between Jungkook and Taehyung still seemed a bit awkward— more than that Jungkook noticed how careful Taehyung was being around him.

Careful as in the older almost refused to touch him except the times Jungkook first initiates it always, they were back again where they started.

The younger would have to make a run towards the door as Taehyung proceeds to leave and peck the older's lips same goes when Taehyung returns, they have these daily talks about how their day was spent and then sleep in eachother's embrace and then again all this repeats.

Now glancing up at the wall clock Jungkook's lips jutted out in a pout seeing it was past eleven in the night and Taehyung hadn't still been back.

Taehyung was out with his colleagues in some restaurant as someone got a promotion and he attended the celebration being a part of his colleague's success.

And Jungkook was definitely informed about this by Taehyung in the afternoon itself, but he didn't knew that his fiancé would be this late to return back.

Letting out a dragged sigh Jungkook laid on their bed staring up at the ceiling as the thoughts came chewing on his mind making him curl himself as he blamed himself for whatever happened a few nights ago.

He wouldn't deny— he was so excited for that certain night knowing that he'd share his body with Taehyung and in return Taehyung was going to share his own, they were supposed to make love to eachother that night and it all ruined because of his squeaks.

It was more than once that Jungkook tried to explain himself and the situation that night, and he did succeed conveying his words— still Taehyung had said that his squeaks were regular because he was very much nervous, the older coined the idea of keeping things on the bare minimum until Jungkook actually feels comfortable to take things forward and the younger had no other option but to go with whatever his fiancé said.

Those squeaks have stuck to him like an undying habit— he still doesn't remember how these squeaks started once he also did visit the doctor because the caretaker of the orphanage thought he had tourette  but he didn't have it— it was just an habit he picked up because he sometimes wouldn't be able to express his emotions with words.

Jungkook heard the bell going off which confused him before he rolled out of the bed walking towards the door when another ring of bell was heard, he checked from the peep hole seeing it was Taehyung but there was also another person.

Opening the door Jungkook looked up at Taehyung who had a lady carried over his back, Jungkook backed away as Taehyung passed him a smile before he walked inside before walking— more like stumbling in, his body occasionally swaying and directly entering the guest room and laying the lady on the bed after taking her heels off throwing it somewhere around the floor before covering her with the duvet.

"Who is she?" Jungkook questioned as he srunched his eyebrows together clearly not pleased by the fact that Taehyung had brought some other woman on his back this late at night, jealousy seemed to fuel in his heart as he stared at Taehyung his gaze turning into a glare almost unknowingly.

"Please don't get some other idea..." Taehyung said dragging out a sigh before he stumbled out of the room with Jungkook following behind him as he entered their room and sat on the bed rolling his shoulders being extremely tired while his mind buzzed with all the alcohol in his system he shrugged off leaving it on the floor and loosened his tie.

"Why I wasn't informed about you bringing someone on your back? And isn't it very late to bring a passed out woman who was reeking of alcohol in our house when you yourself seem to be drunk, who even dropped you here?" He shot his questions clearly displeased about the fact another woman was over his fiancé's back and they way Taehyung seemed completely out of his senses. He stood in front of Taehyung observing the flushed face of the older and the hazy eyes.

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