Chapter 26 - Nasty

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Sometimes Jungkook really fails to understand what goes on in Taehyung's mind— actually most of the time he doesn't even know what's going around him.

Even though Taehyung was basically laying on top of him with soft puffs of air leaving the older's lips, Jungkook oddly felt like he was comfortable— almost levitating.

Jungkook reached his hand out and took one of Taehyung's hands in his, he intertwined his fingers with the older's, he knew this hand in his hold was held by many people.

The hazel eyes drifting to the older's lips, the lips his gaze were stuck at was probably kissed by many, Jungkook wasn't sure if what he felt was jealousy or regret.

Jealousy that these pair of lips that he loved to kiss were already claimed by many.

Regret that he wasn't the one who would be the first and last to kiss it, only if fate had brought them together earlier.


Talking about fate, he was rather glad that atleast he met Taehyung, he couldn't anymore imagine what his life would be like without the older. It's been roughly three months knowing Taehyung and he swears that these three months have been the best of his not so pleasing life.

It really didn't actually matter how many people have got kissed and touched by Taehyung, or how many people he has been in love with before.

All it matters it that Taehyung is in Jungkook's arms now and the younger wishes that whatever he has with Taehyung lasts forever.

But sometimes forever doesn't actually last for-ever, sometimes forever lasts to infinity and sometimes just for mere few seconds.

Jungkook wants Taehyung with him until his forever lasts, that is he wants to be with Taehyung 'til he counts his last breaths.

A far fetched dream of having someone to get loved by like in those novels he read, where both the people that contruct a couple together do everything to just stay alive, close, breathing or whatever— they just want to be with eachother.

Not everything has an happy ending, only a few actually get a happy ending.

And then there is a pharse saying, 'If it's not happy ending, it's not a ending'

But no, it's the final ending. Whether happy or sad it's the ending everything stops and all the non written words would show is 'The End'.

It is the end, people just try to keep themselves going thinking it's not the end there more to life and there are chances of life getting better in future, not everything would change but something would.

And that something that would change is nothing else but you.

You grow stronger, you know how you are supposed to get hang of things and deal with them to a point that nothing affects you anymore.

Once you change, everything around you changes only for you.

And Jungkook believes this, he knew he had changed not completely, but the parts of him that he didn't need were shredding off and the parts he needed were being built.

Taehyung was helping him throughout the process, he smiles more often says his words out knowing that Taehyung is attentively listing to him and considering his opinions and finally he matters.

Finally he matters to someone, he matters to Taehyung, and that made a smile bloom on his lips.

Never he has been mattered to someone, life for him in the orphanage has been literal hell, the older's there were unbothered and the children which were older even younger than Jungkook always took his advantage of being a easy target.

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