Chapter 59 - Attention

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Usually, Jungkook loves the attention he gets from Taehyung. He enjoys it, alot. Finding Taehyung's eyes always fixed on him, just admiring him with a little smile on his lips make Jungkook go all giddy and smiley himself.

But now...

He couldn't even breath, fiddling with his skirt hem, his sweater already laying on the floor somewhere, half-naked, he sat on the bed while Taehyung was sitting on the chair right in front of the bed, looking at him.

If Taehyung's gaze could burn him, he'd already be in ashes, every part of his skin that was bare had Taehyung's attention, he pouted looking at the older who just sat quietly not saying anything.

Still, Jungkook could literally feel his fiancé's impatience, everytime Taehyung sighed eyes doing a brief roll of annoyance made him bite down on his bottom lip.

"Taehyung-ie." He softly called out shifting closer to the edge, taking deep breaths thinking about if he could trade touching himself with something else.

It was too embarrassing to literally do anything that filthy in front of Taehyung, first of all he hasn't done that on his own- he tried to but it didn't feel as good as Taehyung does so he just gave up taking a cold shower.

Hearing a hum Jungkook licked over his lips, Taehyung playing with his t-shirt in his hold while his eyes were intensely fixed on him, he shifted so his dangled down the edge of the bed, feet meating the cold tiles skin covered with goosebumps with the coldness in the room.

Breathing out, Jungkook looked down at Taehyung's torso, eyes slipping down to see the small bump around his crotch, he smiled knowing what exactly he could have in trading.

"Could you do something for me?" He blinked his towards the older who just sighed again.

"The lube's in the drawer Kook." Taehyung pointed at the drawer, sitting back on the chair crossing his arms around his chest.

Shaking his head Jungkook reached his hand out, urging Taehyung to hold it, giving a sweet smile towards his finacé when he grabbed his hand and proceeded to pull him from the chair, making the other stand up and be close until the older resided between his legs and his face was right in front of Taehyung's covered crotch.

"Instead of touching myself..." Jungkook trailed off, forefinger tracing the bump of Taehyung's dick, bit down on his bottom lip looking up at Taehyung with eyes hooded and lips pouty, "can I please have you in my mouth instead?"

"No." Taehyung scoffed, backing away and sitting back on the chair, eyebrows raising chuckling over Jungkook's pouty face as the younger was swinging his legs back and forth.

"Please..." Jungkook whined, standing up to sit on Taehyung's lap, straddling him, rubbing his bottom down over the length poking him, hearing heavy breaths leaving Taehyung. "I really miss how you feel on my tongue." He pouted, leaning forward to let his torso touch Taehyung's. "I want you in my mouth."

"Is it now?" Taehyung hummed, hands curling around Jungkook's waist, caressing over the bare skin seeing Jungkook shiver under his touch, beautiful his finacé was and also very seductive.

Fuck, Taehyung loved Jungkook so much.

Jungkook nodded his head, nuzzling his face in Taehyung's shoulder feeling the older's hand traveling up his shoulders before again sliding down his arms, he couldn't know when both of his wrist were tied behind his back he tried to struggle away but just getting a single look of glare from Taehyung was enough for him to get stilled.

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