Chapter 12 - Call

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11 : 11 pm

That was the time Jungkook's lockscreen showed him, he pouted intensely seeing it was this late at night and Taehyung haven't even called nor even texted him yet.

He rolled over his bed, his sleep didn't seem like it wanted to visit him. He kept rolling on the bed until his phone finally ringed making him jump and almost immediately accepting the video call without even thinking looking at the suprised Taehyung.

"Didn't thought you would be awake..."

Taehyung's voice had amusement in them, making Jungkook shy as he sat up looking into the small screen of his phone.

The younger could clearly see how exhausted the raven head looked, hardly keeping his eyes open.

"I woke up late today" Jungkook admitted looking into Taehyung's half lidded eyes.

Oh, how much he wanted to be closer to Taehyung in the older's embrace just like he was a week ago, he wanted to feel that warm and safe again.

"What are you thinking about?" Taehyung yawned after completing his words, the ugly enlarging of his mouth was covered by his palm.

"You look tired hyungie, I think you should rest. I will talk to you tommorow" Jungkook uttered, his eyes trailing over Taehyung's tired facial features.

"Oh, no no Jungkook" Taehyung chuckled as he laid on the bed holding his phone up staring up at the pretty young boy who still wasn't convinced.

He was dead tired after all the meetings he had been through, with all the figures of amounts, profit, loss, turn over of the company and what now circling through his mind. The only reason he kept himself going was to talk to Jungkook, and seeing the pretty male even though through his small phone screen rejoiced him.

"I waited the whole day just so I could see your pretty face, let me have my time" Taehyung smiled gently his irises moving around Jungkook's now flushed face.

"Don't just do that out of nowhere!" Jungkook squeaked, and tilted his phone upwards until only his eyes were visible looking at Taehyung who was chuckling.

"Do what?" Taehyung questioned adjusting himself as he laid on his side staring at the bambi eyes of the younger shining under the room lights.

"Make me feel pretty", Jungkook whispered looking down at the screen seeing Taehyung's face getting squished with the pillow.

Taehyung looked so pleasing even when he was all bare face with droppy eyes and tired face, his visuals was something Jungkook couldn't get over of.

"You are really pretty and I won't change my words anyday" Taehyung whispered, his voice being lower getting a bit more gruff that it almost took Jungkook a few seconds to get what Taehyung had said.

"You think like that?", the younger questioned lowering his phone angle making his whole face visible on Taehyung's phone screen again making the older break into a grin.

"I believe that"

"Why?", Jungkook couldn't help but question, his head tilting ever so softly making the older male's heart skip a beat, something Taehyung thought only happens in those romantic novels.

"Because, I just can't find any flaw in you Jungkook" Taehyung accepted, knowing Jungkook for almost a month now, not even a single thing that he found about Jungkook that would be labelled as a flaw.

"There are a lot", Jungkook argued furrowing his eyebrows, he licked over his lips before almost unconsciously moulding into a pout making his bottom lip jut outwards.

"Not even one according to me...", Taehyung whispered his eyes never leaving Jungkook's adorable pink tinted face, the younger male surely was one of the God's most precious creations, the kind of creation that needs to be protected and cared for.

"You are too sweet", Jungkook smiled, his eyes literally twinkled seeing Taehyung chuckled shaking his head.

Happiness suited Taehyung a lot according to Jungkook.

"Honestly, no" Taehyung started, but stopped seeing Jungkook huff softly, the younger's cheek puffed up a little as Taehyung coo-ed at the younger only for Jungkook to change his phone angle again with only his eyes and forehead visible.

"I'm not sweet to anyone I talk to, I take time, think briefly about that person get to know more before I decide how to behave or which personality of mine should be made up in front of them" Taehyung continued anyways, seeing Jungkook blink his eyes probably understanding of what was his words actually mean, digging actually deep in the older's words.

"Ar-are you really yourself with me?" Jungkook asked, his voice held insecurity making Taehyung sigh.

"I am, I haven't opened up this much in front of anybody in years, the  people apart from you who see me being myself are my ex-boyfriend Jae-won, Jimin and my mom" Taehyung said nonchalantly, his gaze flickering over the left side corner of his phone screen seeing it was already mid-night.

"Ex-boyfriend?", Jungkook questioned adjusting himself a bit, his chest felt heavy suddenly making him want to do something, he didn't knew what he wanted to do but he didn't like the way Taehyung spoke about his ex-boyfriend with a smile.

"Uh-huh, ex-boyfriend he was my boyfriend a year ago or something before we broke off" Taehyung frowned it's been a while since he has talked with Jae-won.

"Why did you broke off?"

"Umm..." Taehyung didn't knew how he was supposed to explain Jungkook about his last break up, Jae-won they had to break up because Taehyung was too rough for his ex-boyfriend's liking who preferred all vanilla.

Taehyung wasn't a vanilla type, not at all.

People have their own paces, and likings about their sexual desires.

Some prefer to be handled as a glass piece some want to be broken into pieces.

It frustrated Taehyung that he couldn't have his way with his ex-boyfriend and he had honestly confessed it, which made things between them end with good terms, and they still are extremely great friends.

Taehyung didn't feel like changing his ways for anyone ever, that was the case before Jungkook, his eyes flickered towards Jungkook's frowning face.

'Wouldn't even touch you the wrong way, you are way too precious'

The raven head bit his lip shaking his head looking at his feet, taking a deep breath he looked back up at Jungkook who was still waiting for his answer.

"There is nothing to be actually said—"

"Tell me about it" Jungkook interrupted Taehyung's next words looking through the phone at the older, he felt that irritating burn crawling under his skin.

"There is nothing to know about!" Taehyung exclaimed with a smile as  sat up looking at Jungkook who huffed loudy before shouting a—

"Bye!" Jungkook huffed and cut the call.

"Jungkook? Hey—" Taehyung lowly gasped seeing Jungkook literally cut the call, he looked at his now home screen seeing Jungkook's picture he had clicked that day, the younger looked so alluring in that picture.

A chuckle fell pass his lips as he laid back on the bed, he'd actually be pretty pissed off if someone else would have done that, but it was this pretty boy who had ignored him this harshly.

"Oh, eomma where did you even get this pretty boy", he bit his lip looking at the ceiling, not knowing when but his eyes fluttered shut due to exhaustion and he was asleep within minutes.

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