Chapter 28 - Time

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A subtle thund was heard with something metallic falling on the floor, heavy breaths were also lingering as the wet smacking of lips were heard.

Movements were hurried as if there was a constant rush of doing everything soon, there was no finish to this at all, still the allotted time was running faster than before.

It was currently somewhere around eight-ish in the morning with the sunlight slightly peaking it's warm heat waves through the clouds, the sky looked extremely pretty with the burst of the blueish and orange colors mixing together a bit pink also red accompanying the vibrant colors, a person who loves the nature would surely be marvelled at the sight of the God's beautiful creation.

Taehyung usually would absolutely cherish this sight but he was busy making Jungkook call him out as—


And before Jungkook could say any of his next words a strangled whimper escaped his lips with Taehyung's wet puffed lips sliding against his flushed cheeks before licking over his jaw which made him tug on the raven locks of the older his fingers completely entangled in the mess of black hair.

Getting a little back about how did they ended up in such position, it was supposed to be a innocent departing kiss (initiated by Jungkook), their lips were gently sliding with eachother's a smile on their lips and none of them knew how things turned into so sensual suddenly with Jungkook's back now pressed on the door with Taehyung hovered over him bodies flushed together.

"Suddenly I don't feel like letting you go at all" Taehyung husked as he wrapped Jungkook's fingers over the fist which held the duffle bag, the bag was left and it thunded against the floor with their fingers intertwining together.

"Hyungie~" Jungkook whined squirming when a sting suddenly felt right below his left ear, the wet tougue glided against his skin there, a shiver ran down his spine when his skin was being sucked there, a loud gasp escaped his lips when his shirt was been untucked from his trousers and a warm calloused palm reaching to his heated skin adding fuel to the fire.

"Jungkook you make me so desperate" Taehyung whispered as he groaned when he felt Jungkook moan out his name this time, he let his lips travel downwards leaving wet kisses over the neck and again finding a new spot to suck over as he parted his mouth taking the skin in his mouth nibbling, biting, sucking— he wished to taint Jungkook's skin.

And he did what he wished, his hand reached up as he popped the first three buttons of Jungkook's shirt tugging on the fabric that slided down down Jungkook's shoulder seeing the supposed to be pale skin all flushed Taehyung chuckled as he pecked the younger's collarbone.

"You are so beautiful my sweetness, how can you even be so pretty hmm?" Taehyung hummed at the end of his question, he heard Jungkook mutter something like 'I'm not pretty', but he decided not to reply it with his words but his actions which lead him to bite over Jungkook's collarbone hearing a loud wince.

Taehyung loved when Jungkook emitted such sounds, it was so erotic yet sounded so pure and unknown, seemed as the raven head was the bad guy who was tainting this golden haired angel's innocence with his sensual tactics.

Taehyung was actually tainting Jungkook's innocence and he would surely— should be considered as the bad guy.

But bad guys usually bring heaven to you, don't they?

Well, Jungkook did feel like being in heaven so the previous question should be replied with a solid yes, he saw stars behind his tightly shut eyelids with the burning sensation over his skin, the teasing licks and suck making him stomp his foot on the the floor as a action to shake off those buzzing feelings off him.

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