Chapter 46 - Suffocated

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It's been days now and the silence between them didn't even break for once— they didn't even see each other because Jungkook had started to live in the guest room too afraid to be even in Taehyung's vision and Taehyung didn't approach Jungkook because he needed time to calm down.

Both of them knew if they came face to face one thing would lead to another and they would break away.

And however pissed off Taehyung was, he didn't want to lose Jungkook— he fucking loved Jungkook and that hurted more because his love had hid away something that should have definitely concerned him.

His mother kept calling him on a daily basis but he didn't even pick up any of her calls, her texts were left on read but from those texts he knew that Jungkook had started to speak to her again and now the lady was waiting for his forgiveness.

But, it didn't seem like she knew that he and Jungkook were going through this silence between them.

He leaves his apartment late and finds breakfast ready on the dinning table in silence he eats and proceeds out, hands always stopping at the knob his senses still thinking his bun would come hoping towards him and peck his lips before he leaves but then again he didn't want to face Jungkook.

Returning late after over working to the limit he physically couldn't, entering the dark apartment of his, he would find his dinner in the microwave.

Jungkook's existence was literally everywhere but he wasn't around.

This was taking a toll on him on his mental health, he knew this relationship he had with Jungkook was something different. He was literally drugged by his fiancé's existence and a week passed without him being around nor feeling his touch on his skin, not hearing his voice drumming in his ears.

He was on the brink of going insane still his anger would get the best of him.

Jungkook lied to him and he despises liars— it is related to all those times he was lied to and bitterly fooled in love— in friendships too. Being a teenager he lost a lot of precious people around him just because they deceived him, lied to him.

His jaw clenched again as he sat in the living room late at night, the faint tinkling of the anklet he had given to Jungkook being heard by him and it sounded like Jungkook was hurrying around his room.

Yet, taking a deep breath he leaned back just from having dinner an hour ago, he looked at the clock seeing it was past twelve and it was already 30th of December.

It was his 26th birthday today.

And he had absolutely zero excitement for this day— he had lost the excitement years ago in the process of being an adult with responsibilities. His screen lit up Jungkook's smiling face getting hidden by the notification bars and he saw his mother wishing him a happy birthday and the next notification was of some small amount of money being transferred to his bank account by his mother as a gift.

He sighed clearing all those notifications staring at Jungkook's face on his screen, the younger had his wide bunny like smile with his eyes closing into slits with those skin folding around his eyes, the white cream on his upper lip and Taehyung clearly remembers the day he saw Jungkook drinking a glass of toned milk adding sugar in it making that white mustache form there.

His fiancé looked adorable, the prettiest boy with his golden hair tousled everywhere curling at the end, he even found the little pimple that had blemished his right cheek endearing.

"I miss you." He placed the phone on his forehead thinking about how things would be different just if Jungkook hadn't hid things from him.

Just if his sweetness didn't decide to hide things considering his mother from him.

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