Chapter 39 - Know

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Aroma of mahogany teakwood— that was what written on the candle, fluttered around, the bathroom was steamy as Taehyung had his eyes closed and back comfortably against the marble bathtub, and Jungkook's back was laying on his chest as he occasionally heard Jungkook giggle over the bubbles that he was playing with.

All over it was the most peaceful Taehyung has been in months, his hands were wrapped around Jungkook's waist caressing over there a sigh leaving his lips as he slowly opened his eyes looking at Jungkook's bare shoulder leaning forward to nuzzle against the wet skin.

"I want a yellow rubber ducky" Jungkook spoke out in a pout as he craned his neck looking at the mess of wet dark hair over his shoulder.

"We'd buy one soon" Taehyung assured pressing a lingering kiss against Jungkook's shoulder before he parted his lips skin over the skin before chewing on it between his lips.

Jungkook was literally irresistible and there was no lie to it.

"I also want a doggo." He said again closing his eyes as he felt his skin being bitten and sucked, he loved the feeling on Taehyung's warm mouth on his skin.

"We'd buy one soon" Taehyung replied again his lips dragged over the shoulder blade of the younger as he was done perfecting the hickey now taking in another area for him to mark.

"What about a dragon?"

"We'd buy one— what!?"

"If we could buy a dragon I would name it Nochu" Jungkook hummed, looking into Taehyung's eyes as the older stared at him with a hint of smile.

"Don't you think that's quite a cute name for a dragon?" Taehyung replied, he didn't even know why they even having this conversation but decided to go along anyways resting his chin on the younger's shoulder as he licked over his lips.

"Excuse me? Are you saying dragon's aren't cute!?" The younger of the two widened his eyes twice it's size seeming utterly defensive about the about that dragons can't be cute.

"They aren't." He older answered, almost nonchalant, he quirked his right eyebrow up seeing Jungkook's nose flaring as within less than a minute Jungkook had stood on his knees turning to face Taehyung, the water covering the area below his waist as he stared dead into the older's eyes.

"Dragons are super cute, fuck you for saying they aren't!" Jungkook slightly raised his voice still very much offended about the fact that Taehyung didn't find dragon's cute.

Taehyung gaped at the younger his eyes widening, "You cursed at me just to prove dragons are cute!? Anyways, fuck you because dragons aren't cute, they are scary"

"Hyung I'm warning you say dragons are cute or- or no kisses for a week!" The younger huffed sitting down on Taehyung's lap crossing his arms around his chest ignoring the way he felt Taehyung's dick brush against his inner thigh.

"Dragons aren't cute, that's it, no one cares about those kisses!" Taehyung let out rolling his eyes, he scoffed wrapping his arms around Jungkook's waist, momentarily thinking about why the hell they were having this conversation anyways?

"You- you are an asshole!" Jungkook poked his tougue out slightly moved around to feel comfortable but again Taehyung's dick brushed against his inner thigh really close to his own manhood— that wasn't important for now because he was already in a very serious argument about dragon's being cute or not.

"Well I'mma fuck your asshole!" Taehyung shot back with a smirk curling his lips as he stared at Jungkook satisfied about the fact that Jungkook wasn't able to backfire anything else.

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