Chapter 50 - Smitten

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Being treated like some prince of a kingdom was something Jungkook went through everyday.

He always found a cup of warm sweet coffee, just like he prefers being placed on the coffee table every morning after he is done with his routine, everyday his favorites were either cooked or ordered, house was being cleaned, even his laundry was also being done by Taehyung.

The numerous I love yous he heard throughout the days was something that made his insides turn into jelly— actually, he didn't say back I love you too— not even once, yet Taehyung never failed to say it again and again, proving that he loves Jungkook selflessly, not in the want of getting the love back.

And after figuring this out…

Just... how? How couldn't Jungkook forgive Taehyung?

Nothing, absolutely no house work was done by him, and now again looking up from his laptop he couldn't help but smile at Taehyung working in the kitchen preparing them a dinner.

Just how cool Taehyung looked even doing housework was something really admirable.

"My darling, aren't you supposed to be focused on your work?" Taehyung said, voice as smooth as ever gaze raising up to see that deep blush over Jungkook's cheeks before the younger male pushed up his glasses to his nose bridge getting back to typing leaving him without a reply.

Also, as promised or as punished, Taehyung had also never once let his touch linger on Jungkook not even as a mistake, he was very careful enough himself not to touch Jungkook because basically; he doesn't have the consent to.

Something Taehyung found new these days was seeing Jungkook work, he hadn't seen the younger work with papers scattered around, fingers moving fast around the keyboard of the laptop which looked like it needed to be turned into scrap.

The black rimmed classic glasses of his resting low on the bridge of his nose, lips pressed together, the crease between his eyebrows as his eyes scanned along the screen checking and rechecking before he presumably pressed on the enter button before closing the laptop and laying on the carpet itself.

"You should buy a new laptop at this point." Taehyung suggested picking up the pot with the drainage on the top and pouring out the steaming hot water in the sink.

"Nochu works just fine, Taehyung-shi." Jungkook said, looking at Taehyung from where he laid, dumping the boiled noodles from the pot onto a plate.

It did take a few seconds for Taehyung to realize who this Nochu was, letting out a laugh realizing that Jungkook had literally named his laptop, "Didn't you say that you wanted to name your dragon Nochu? And you literally chose a laptop for that name?" 

"You remember…" Jungkook whispered, gnawing down on his plush bottom lip, his mind drifting to the day they had this talk, the blotches of pink reappearing on his cheeks as flashes of that day were now in front of his eyes.

That warmth of Taehyung's naked skin against his, the other's hands and mouth on his skin— he shivered.

"You should get out of your imagination, it's not good in there, sweetheart." Taehyung spoke, knowing just enough what was going through the younger's mind, not like he didn't think about it.

The twitch in his own pants gave it away.

Through all these days not only this week but through two whole weeks they haven't been in touch with each other, both of them were craving enough for each other's touch but stayed in their limitations.

Yeah, today was the last day of Taehyung's punishment.

Jungkook almost thought that he punished himself too but honestly, this whole week was actually a great time for him to recover from whatever he has been through, with Taehyung's constant appreciative words and love he felt safe again around the older. 

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