Chapter 13 - Thund

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Again there was a loud thund for the third time in the day that made Ms. Kim slightly turn her head, the lady was peacefully siping on her steaming green tea, the sweetness burned down her throat as he looked at golden haired male being pissed about something, her irises were roaming around with Jungkook's movements.

The young male was walking around the kitchen wearing his prominent pout on his lips, his cheeks were puffed out being naturally pinkish, a string of low mumbles fell out of his pouty lips, as he again placed the coffee mug on the counter with a thud.

"What's wrong with my little bunny?", Ms. Kim said as she took another sip of her steaming green tea, she loved her self-made tea more than anything else, it's been mentioned already that she didn't treasure anyone else cooking for her.

"Ask your son" Jungkook grumbled as he glanced at the lady with his narrowed eyes.

"Okay", the lady shrugged as she reached out for her phone placed a few inches away from her, she without any hesitation called- FaceTimed would be more precise, her son.

She looked into the camera adjusting the phone angle as if she was taking a selfie, she waited until the call would be accepted, soon it was.

"Good morning eomma", Taehyung was yawned after saying his words making his mother srunch her face, she greeted her son back

Jungkook stilled turning around seeing Ms. Kim look into her phone screen, he slowly shifted and stood in a distance and angle where he could see the phone, he was mad at Taehyung but wanted to see the older.

His cheeks turned red seeing Taehyung half naked having a sleepy smile on his face, he squeaked and moved away before Ms. Kim could catch him.

"Is Jungkook around?"

"Yes, he seems mad what happened?", Ms. Kim answered her son, she glanced at Jungkook seeing the boy's face turn redder than before.

"He wants to know something I don't want to tell"

"Well this bunny is stubborn,if you don't tell him, he wouldn't stop puffing his cheeks" she giggled seeing Jungkook puff his cheeks even more, he huffed and turned around making himself a coffee not wanting to know anything, he had to bite on his lower lip when a shiver ran down through his spine hearing Taehyung chuckle.

The older male's voice was gruff and deep just being woken up from sleep, this voice oddly was very attractive, the raspy tone in it made Jungkook curl his tone, his toes were curled inwards since Taehyung had greeted his mother.

"What does he want to know?", Ms. Kim inquired as she took the last gulp of her now luke warm tea.

"He wanted to know about Jae, you remember Jae-won right?", Taehyung sat up on his bed, rubbing his eyes, he looked at his mother who nodded in acknowledgment, he knew that Jae-won and his mother were pretty close to eachother.

"Oh, Wonnie? I miss him now I wanted to call hi-"

Ms. Kim flinched when she heard a loud bang of the shelf door closing, she looked at Jungkook with wide eyes as the young male was breathing heavily now opening the coffee bottle.

"I know, what's wrong", Ms. Kim whispered looking at her son as Taehyung chuckled shaking his head.

"Can you keep the phone on the counter and go away, please?", Taehyung looked at the phone enlarging his eyes, he pressed his lips together and made a cutesy face blinking his eyes.

"Okay, okay brat" Ms. Kim chuckled smiling knowingly, she kept the phone on the kitchen counter itself and walked out of the living room entering her own room, new couples are too cringy for her liking.


"Go away!" Jungkook huffed, he glared at the phone but didn't have the heart to hang up the call.

"Jungkook, hold the phone"

Jungkook stood still, the older's voice had deepened way to much, he walked towards the phone and looked down, he saw a satisfactory smirk pull up Taehyung's lips.

"W-what?" Jungkook held the phone in his hands, he didn't knew why he exactly held the phone in his hands, he just wanted to obey Taehyung's words and that's what he did.

"Jungkook, calm down will you?" Taehyung's voice had soften making Jungkook exhaled out a breath he didn't knew he was holding.

"Sorry" Jungkook whispered looking at Taehyung with his big eyes which held unshed tears in them.

"Jungkook don't cry please, I didn't tell you because it's all in the past, and according to me past doesn't matter", Taehyung half lied but he meant his words, he smiled seeing Jungkook wipe his closed eyelids with his sweater paw, he heard Jungkook sniff.

"Cuteness, pure cuteness" Taehyung said under his breath as bit on his bottom lip as his eyes trailed over Jungkook's trembling lips, he dug his front teeth harder into his lip that it had started hurting.

"Yo-you said something?" Jungkook looked at Taehyung with his eyes wide, the raven head now knew why was Jimin so fascinated by Jungkook's natural light hazel irises, the young male was a pure masterpiece, everything in one, everything one could ever need.

Damn, Taehyung couldn't help but praise his luck not to forget his mother- he was literally worshipping her.

"When I come back, I promise to bring you a lot of gifts" Taehyung smiled and paused seeing Jungkook's eyes shine.

"Really?" Jungkook smiled with the corner of his lips stretching, soft dimples showing up on his pink tinted cheeks.

Taehyung literally thinks that Jungkook would be a grave mistake made by angels, the angels might have sent one of them to the earth, too sad that Jungkook hasn't been provided with happiness, the young male deserves happiness and Taehyung would gladly provide the younger with all the happiness he can.

"Do you want something specific?" Taehyung asked slumping back into his pillows, he looked at Jungkook who was maybe hesitating.

"Ca-can you bring me choco-chocolates?" Jungkook questioned, he tilted his head really wanting Taehyung to accept his request, he heard that Japan had a variety of chocolates he really wanted to try them.

"Ofcourse, that's all?" Taehyung amused, he chuckled seeing Jungkook shake his head.

Such an innocent soul Jungkook was, wanting chocolates from Japan wasn't an expected answer.

There are a list of things there are way more many things that Taehyung would have brought for Jungkook ofcourse keeping his budget in mind, but the younger male wanting chocolates really made Taehyung wanting to wrap Jungkook in a bubble wrap.

"Yes! I like chocolate! It's my favorite" Jungkook giggled, his eyes crinkling in the most adorable way.

Ugh! Taehyung couldn't wait to go back to this bunny boy.

"So I'll take my leave, take care of yourself, okay?"

Jungkook sulked a bit but nodded anyways as he waved his hand in front of the screen before the screen went black for a few seconds and the FaceTime app showed the other contacts. He quietly locked the phone and placed it on the counter, he touched his cold mug and sighed knowing that he had re-heat his coffee.

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