Chapter 55 - Enjoying

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"Keep your voice low, sweetness." Taehyung whispered, chuckling when Jungkook just moaned again when his finger pressed against the prostate of the other. "Eomma is right in the next room, she'll hear you if you keep being this vocal." 

Taking a deep breath Jungkook scowled. "Y-you are doing it on purpose!" 

Taehyung stopped his movements, seeing Jungkook's frown go deeper— he was enjoying this alot— when he felt Jungkook's hips moving against his fingers he pulled them out, "Should I just stop then?" He asked.

"Are you serious?"

"No, I'm Ki—"

Aggravatedly rolling his eyes, Jungkook pushed Taehyung only for the other not to move at all. "Complete that and I'll slap you right across your face." He breathed out. "Right now."

"Uff—" Taehyung bit down on his bottom lips, eyes squinting, his eyes staring at the pissed off younger under him. "Why so serious, my love?" 

"You…" Jungkook sniffed, eyes already collecting tears, "you are gonna make me cry." He wiggled around just to shake off the empty feeling that he was accustomed to not liking anymore.

Jungkook didn't know pleasure was this addictive— he didn't know he'd be someone wanting to be filled by his fiancé. He was still trying to recover from the embarrassment about how he rubbed himself over Taehyung when the clock was ticking, showing it was past midnight and his in-law was sleeping in the other room right in front of theirs.

He was trying to remember where exactly he left all his shame and decency off to, to be this shameless, laying on the bed stripped down from his bottom while the lose shirt hung over his upper body, length aching and hard between his legs, and the lube sliding down his hole and Taehyung's knuckles.

It was just so dirty.

And Jungkook wanted more of this dirt.

"You, crying and begging for my fingers and later my dick?" Taehyung hummed, with a smirk curling up his lips. "The idea sounds tempting." 

"Why are you being mean to me…?" Jungkook pouted, rubbing his thighs together to at least gain some friction, eyes staring at Taehyung who just silently observed his movements which made him stop again out of embarrassment.

"Why did you stop?" Taehyung asked, barely even trying to hide the tease in his words. "Continue." He hummed.

Pressing his lips together, Jungkook wiggled around until Taehyung didn't hover over him anymore and sat up covering his dripping length, huffing, "I don't want you anymore, I'll take a cold shower!" He hissed, before standing up.

"Okay." Taehyung shrugged, adjusting around and closing his eyes, smirking when not even a full second later he felt weight on his torso as he peaked open one of his eyes looking at the man sitting on top of him.

"This isn't fair, you should tell me not to leave and pull me back, not sleep." Jungkook whined, drawing circles over Taehyung's clothed chest with his forefinger, sulking.

"Is it now?" Taehyung faked a yawn, wiping his soiled fingers on the sheets, seeing Jungkook's pout go deeper.

"It is." Jungkook mumbled, toes curl and uncurl in impatience.

"And when I asked for help from you when your parents were here? You stuck your tongue out at me and laughed at me, didn't you?" Taehyung squinted his eyes, when he felt Jungkook shift back now sitting directly on his length which hasn't even been hardened yet and started to rub himself.

A breathless gasp left Jungkook when fingers dug into his thigh, he was pulled to slide up until his cock was right under Taehyung's chin and in front of his eyesight.

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