Chapter 42 - Breaths

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The sizzling sound ecoed around the empty kichen quiet early in the morning even when the sun was barely above the horizon and the electronic clock on the wall showed it was currently showing the numbers 7:37 A.M.

Lifting the pan Jungkook tossed it slightly shaking it making sure all the chopped mushrooms were sauteed before he dumped them carefully in the boiling pot of soup keeping the heated pan away and turning off the other stove while the soup seemed to be getting boiled.

Dipping the spoon Jungkook took a small amount of soup bringing it to his lips taking a taste humming when it tasted just like it should- it was a bit blad but the hangover soup isn't supposed to be tasty afterall.

"Ex-excuse me?"

Jungkook raised his head after hearing the feeble feminine voice of a woman, he stared at her and then realised that she was the one who Taehyung had brought with him, but he immediately frowned seeing her close to crying.

"Co-could yo-you tell me where I am?" She said, her voice broken and afraid as looked around at the unfamiliar place her head pounding with headache, as fear clouded her mind about what must have happened last night to her, even though she was still dressed in her clothes from last night, she just couldn't trust anything for now extremely terrified of the idea of being touched by someone other.

"You are at Kim Taehyung's house- my fiancé, please don't worry you weren't being harmed in anyway by us, my fiancé brought you here to ensure your security since you were drunk- my God why are you crying?!"

The male was left horrified as he saw the woman sink down her knees and cry her eyes out covering her face and he didn't knew how was he supposed to handle the crying laid so he just stood there with a squeak leaving his lips as he kept staring at the lady who let out wails.

"I-I'm sorry, I just go-got overwhelmed." She said as she stood up head immediately getting dizzy making her hold her forehead hissing as she stumbled towards the kitchen and rested her hand against the counter feeling nauseous.

"I-it's fine, I'll serve you some soup-"

"No! No! I'm already a bother please just lent me a phone so I could call my boyfriend, I can't find- lost my phone and he would be worried, I- I just wanna go home."

The vulnerability dripped through her voice as he noticed the lady's trembling stance, she was probably still very much afraid of being in an unknown house so Jungkook just handed her his phone seeing the lady dial the number clutching it near to her ear immediately again breaking down while having a talk on the phone.

"Co-could tell m-me the address?" She inquired and Jungkook narrated the address to her as she told her boyfriend about it before she returned the phone to Jungkook.

"Here, drink some water" Jungkook forwarded the glass to the lady who caught hold of the glass with both her hands gulping down the water hastily still somehow traumatized by waking up in a complete different environment.

"I- I know Mr. Kim, he is the head of the finance department, I am from the managing department and I haven't met him but I am rea-really thankful for him keeping me safe." She let out her words and pride immediately swooned in Jungkook's heart as he heard his fiancé being praised.

The door bell chimmed loudly and Jungkook opened the door meeting by the sight of an man with tousled hair his gaze immediately raising up seeing his girlfriend and her Jungkook moved aside letting the woman hug her boyfriend again breaking down in wails and cries.

"I- I am thankful to you, you don't know how much worried I was for her." The man spoke his grip around his girlfriend tightening as he dipped his chin towards Jungkook.

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