Chapter 10 - Something

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There was hustle everywhere, the sun was shining on it's full potential making the surroundings brighter than usual, a few of the people were even fearing to get out in the sunlight not wanting to burn their skin, many of them huddled into the café taking a sip of their type of cold coffee.

And there was Jungkook standing in the shade of the roof, he was staring at Taehyung who was having a conversation with his mother.

"Eomma I'm going to be okay, okay? I'm just going for two months" Taehyung bit his tougue to utter any sarcastic comment, his mother was literally close to crying because her son was going far away from her.

"Bu-but you are going very far, take me with you" Ms. Kim pouted intensely looking at her son.

"Mom, we literally live in different states in our country, what's wrong with me going into another country" Taehyung sighed, smiling softly later at his mother's adorable behaviour.

"Daegu to Seoul I can travel anytime, I can't travel all the way to Japan" the lady huffed and later widened her eyes, "What if you fall sick? Oh my God! No you aren't going" she clutched on her son's bicep clinging onto Taehyung.

"Eomma I have been to Japan for six months before and was doing very much well and you did visit me all the way to Japan just because you heard me cough three times in a row" Taehyung deadpanned, he looked at Jungkook for some help but the younger just giggled.

"I'm old now"

"Oh, I'm glad you know you fifty-six year old grandma" the raven head mocked his mother only to get a slap on his shoulder by the lady.

"That's what why aren't you getting married to Jungkook so you can have your own kids?", the lady huffed glaring at her son, she tiptoed and twisted Taehyung's ear as her son hissed at the pain

"Oww! My own kids? Jungkook can carr-"

"Hyungie your flight announcement!" Jungkook hurriedly spoke looking at Taehyung with his eyes blown wide.

"Oh, yeah" Taehyung carefully listened to the announcement looking around at the gateway they had mentioned from the speaker, "Eomma take care, okay?"

"Jungkook come here" Taehyung opened his arms for Jungkook as the younger hesitantly hugged the older by his waist, soon the younger got comfortable and nuzzled his face in the older's chest.

Jungkook blushed when he felt Taehyung pecking his head, he took a deep breath and parted away from the older looking up at him.

"Take care and once I'm back, we'd shift you and..." Taehyung said to Jungkook and later glanced at his mother who was smiling seeing the soon to be couple, leaning a bit forward Taehyung whispered in Jungkook's ear, "We'll go on our date too, okay?"

Taehyung leaned back seeing Jungkook blush, he patted the younger's head.

He walked away from afar waving his hands towards the two people who were there to depart him from the airport.

Jungkook's eyes followed Taehyung's figure until he couldn't see the older, his heart immediately felt the slight pain as he sulked knowing that he couldn't meet Taehyung for two whole months.

"Don't pout Kookie" Ms. Kim giggled her own eyes filled with tears, she was used to Taehyung going away to Japan from time to time but she couldn't help but get concerned over her son's health and wellbeing.

Taehyung was the only one she had left afterall after her husband died in a car crash along with her father-in-law.

Four years of living without her love's touch, the only one who kept her alive was her son. That doesn't mean her beloved husband isn't with her, she believes her husband is right in her heart or rather her heart is still with her husband whenever his husband is, she is right there with him.

She believes.

And Jungkook believes her, he has heard adoration for her husband from her words whenever she speaks about her late husband, he has seen her smile in total bliss when she says that Taehyung resembles her husband so much and how proud she is seeing Taehyung grow into a respectful man just like his father was.

She misses her husband's touch alot, the tingles, the calmness her husband's touch provided her with she hasn't felt something like that in years, she cries whenever she wants to feel comfort of her husband.

Her husband is forever gone having a deep peaceful forever sleep. She wishes a few more days with her husband, she would tell him how much he means to her and how much she still loves him.

Their love is so pure, so serene, Jungkook wants something like this in his life with Taehyung.

Even though one of them isn't in this world anymore, he wants to the other to believe that they are with eachother forever even after death.

Life without Taehyung gives shivers down his spine, looked at the plane which flew above his head maybe Taehyung was in that plane? He doesn't know, all he knows that he'd pray for Taehyung to reach safely and come back safely.

It's so pleasing to have someone wish for their well-being to God, someone that would remember them in their prayers.

Taehyung has really hit the jackpot and was lucky all at once, Jungkook was the cutest little bean the raven head had ever been across to, everything Jungkook does is absolutely cute in his eyes.

From the nervous stuttering to the awkward squeaks, the happy squeaks, the embarassed squeaks-

A chuckle fell pass Taehyung's lips as he thought about how much he has known Jungkook to even tell apart his squeaks, was he so observant towards Jungkook?

Dang it, it's been approximately two weeks, and he already knows Jungkook more than enough.

Ofcourse, Taehyung knows the squeaks weren't normal and ofcourse isn't a habit, seemed like Jungkook was traumatized from something that resulted into his squeaking.

He doesn't know if his assumption is true, might even turn out only an assumption, he was curious about this but he can't ask Jungkook get answers if the younger wasn't comfortable.

Sighing Taehyung leaned back and unlocked his phone, he went to his gallery and scanned through the photos of Jungkook he had took a week ago.

Jungkook was pretty, scratch that he was epitome of beauty.

The younger was actually really beautiful from inside out and also very innocent, suffering from childhood his introverted personality didn't let him make friends and life was pretty much hard on him to even concentrate on those things.

Taehyung wants to protect his innocence and good heart with all his might and he will.

He glanced down from the window. He had reserved right besides the window for his love for seeing the clouds. His gaze wandered around the people who seemed so tiny, maybe Jungkook was also one of them?

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