Chapter 21 - My

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Taking a deep breath Jungkook mumbled something inaudible doubting amount of sleep he has received that seemed more than usual. He laid on the bed not opening his eyes, he frowned when he didn't find a familiar warmth around him as he spread his arms around trying to find a particular body around him.

Blinking his eyes open Jungkook whined rolling around the bed wanting to collide with the body but frowned as he found the bed completely empty, he sat up but his eyes widened at a tingling sound.

He looked around the room and brought his legs closer again hearing the sound, he looked down at his leg gasping when he found a pretty anklet adorning his left ankle.

Touching the cold metal he squeaked when he confirmed it was really, he shook his leg again hearing the familiar tingling sound, he looked around the room again not finding Taehyung.

Straining on his ear he tried to hear if the shower was running but pouted when he realised it was completely silent, he looked back at the anklet observing the golden piece of metal.

It was double chained with small golden balls along the chains on equal distance, it also had two— approximately a centimetre long chain pieces hanging with a sphere with something inside it ofcourse which Jungkook assumed created the tingling sound and other one was a  shiny gem stone similar to a diamond.

It looked really pretty on his pale ankle the thought made confused for a whole minute that how did the anklet suddenly appeared on his ankle.

And Taehyung who was behind the bathroom door with only a towel wrapped loosely around his hip already done with having a shower was looking at Jungkook through the small gap of the open door with a hint of smile on his lips, it made him bite back a chuckle before when he saw Jungkook rolling around the bed searching for him.

The younger looked really delighted to see the anklet on his ankle that Taehyung had wrapped around his ankle last night, the raven head had kissed the base of Jungkook's feet before he chained the anklet.

Jungkook widened his eyes slightly when he got to the conclusion of how the anklet was suddenly on his ankle, he blushed and giggled, later he sat on the edge of the bed shaking his left leg hearing the tingling sound and giggled again with the sound being heard around the silence of the room

Standing on his feet Jungkook hoped on his feet his giggles tumbling out of his lips continuously, he suddenly seemed too energetic in seven in the morning as he danced around with little shakes of his hips with the stomping his left leg on the floor to creat a rhythm out of it as he walked towards the bathroom to freshen up.

Taehyung who was so lost in seeing Jungkook happy didn't even realise that the younger was walking towards the bathroom, he was rather thinking about how happy Jungkook's get's even with the smallest things that the tingling sounds made him so happy, lost in his own thoughts he groaned loudly when the door hit his forehead.

"Holy—" Taehyung bit his bottom lip crouching down a bit holding his forehead.

"Oh God hyungie!" Jungkook squeaked as he held Taehyung's face between his palms seeing the older's eyes shut tightly trying to suppress the pain.

"I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to— I didn't knew!" Jungkook started gushing his apologies and pulled away Taehyung's hand away from his forehead inspecting the area.

"It's totally fine bun, it doesn't hurt that much" Taehyung lied through his teeth because his whole head had started to pound with the ache that made him bite back a groan.

Opening his eyes Taehyung looked at Jungkook who seemed guilty, he sighed and rested his arms around Jungkook's waist as he said, "It's completely fine sweetness"

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