Chapter 11 - Proud

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A brief yawn escaped from Jungkook's parted lips as he peaked his one eye open, he stretched his hand out grasping his phone between his fingers, he squinted his eyes and got up sitting on his bed, turning off the alarm going on on his phone.

He gave a few minutes to his brain to start functioning actually after being in sleep, he again glanced at the time almost ready to get out of his bed for his daily workout routine that helped him in maintaining his buff body.

"No man without muscles is any less than a man, a man is determined by it's ethics not muscles"

"You can be however you want for me your heart is the only thing that matters, your body is just a case holding it"

Jungkook chewed on his bottom lip when Taehyung's words rang in his head, he again looked down at his phone it was currently four in the morning.

"Should I not exercise?" He pondered over his question, he looked down at his body an instant frown made it's way on it's lips looking down at his buff frame.

He doesn't like seeing himself so buff and stiff, he'd rather like to thin, fragile and doll like, he always liked being like that.

His bullies had made him thinking that he needs to grow muscles so wouldn't look weak and would be manlier.

He didn't ever wanted to look manlier, he would rather prefer looking feminine being all cute and frail.

"Let's do it then" Jungkook smiled as he kept his phone on it's place and laid onto the bed again, he looked at his closed curtains, he was happy that he is finally doing this.

He wasn't going to maintain his muscular body anymore.

Closing his eyes he again drifted off to a peaceful slumber, curling himself into a ball as he budled all the duvet over himself and held it near his chest.

After a few hours, Jungkook groaned at the constant notifications his phone was suddenly buzzing with.

He huffed and took his phone between his fingers, rubbing his eyes, his frown instantly morphed into a smile seeing it was Taehyung blasting his phone with notifications.

Quickly unlocking his phone, he swiped to the texting app, opening the texts from Taehyung.

Taehyung-ie hyungie 🐻



Are you there!?

You should be awake right?


Are you ignoring my heartfelt texts!?



Good morning ❤️.

Kookie 🐰


Hyungie I just woke up!

I wasn't ignoring you!

Good morning hyungie ❤️

Taehyung-ie hyungie 🐻


You didn't work out today?

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