Chapter 9 - Flower

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Jungkook couldn't sleep.

He had already took a long nap during the evening itself in Taehyung's office and didn't seem to be sleepy enough to sleep again, if that made sense.

Another reason for his sleeplessness was Taehyung who was cuddling he hell out of Jungkook being in a deep slumber.

And Jungkook didn't mind it even one bit as he smiled looking down at the older who his head laid on his chest with one arm and leg thrown over the younger's body providing the golden haired male with warmth and comfort.

It all started when they had their dinner and got into the room, Taehyung had kept an extra pillow in between telling Jungkook that he had a habit of cuddling to something while sleeping with his face flushed red.

As time went by Taehyung was soon in deep slumber while Jungkook was pretending to sleep to actually fall asleep later.

Searching for comfort, Taehyung was tossing and turning around until he snuggled himself into Jungkook's body finally being in a comfortable position and falling asleep.

Jungkook hesitated quite a few minutes before he finally got his courage all gathered up softly touching Taehyung's tousled hair.

He combed the hair softly and pressed his fingers on the scalp giving the older a slow delicate massage. He loved how Taehyung's hair were so soft and fluffy, he continued to do it until he felt Taehyung move.

Stilling his actions immediately, he felt Taehyung snuggling even more closer to him burying his face in his neck, his hold on the younger tightened.

Jungkook froze when he felt something soft and long on his thigh, he blushed heavily trying not to think about the part of body that might be touching his thigh.

If not enough, Taehyung snuggled up closer to his neck with the older's lips touching his neck, not to forget the heated breath that made him shiver.

Taking a few deep breaths Jungkook tried to calm himself down, he closed his eyes trying to fall asleep luckily the comfortable warm embrace he had lulled him to sleep.

The few hours passed as the sun was now showing up above the horizon, the sun raises peaked through Taehyung's widow blinds but it wasn't directly falling on anyone's face.

The light tune if Taehyung's alarm ringed as he yawned and patted along his side table finding for the alarm top and stopped it.

He curled back into the embrace he was snuggling up more closer into Jungkook's neck running his nose around the younger's skin which smelt to good.

"Mmh~" Jungkook whined and raised his shoulder tilting his head trying to shrink his neck from the tickling sensation he turned around and stuffed his head in the duvet which was buddled up.

Taehyung blinked his eyes open his brain taking a few minutes to restore his memory, as he backed away from the younger's neck.

He could feel fingers entangled in his hair making him get the hand out of his hair, he looked down at Jungkook's blurry figure.

Blinking his eyes a few times Taehyung rubbed his left eye softly with his fist trying to make his vision clear.

His breath hitched seeing Jungkook all snuggled up to him, in his embrace looking ever so precious like a little flower, that would break if held anymore tighter.

Jungkook looked so cute with his cheek squished on Taehyung's arm. His long, thick lashes rested on his cheeks them being naturally tinted pink, his pinkish slightly chapped lips parted with his bunny teeth visible, drool being dried on the corner of his lips.

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