Of Commitment (Hessa) - part 1

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Tessa's POV

The wedding day should be one of the beautiful days from a woman's life, right? The day you become the wife of a man who will be next to you for the rest of your life. But what if everything is just something planned? What if you family decide for you? What if your whole life is planned and you can't do anything? You can just listen the order and wait for a perfect moment to be free.


"Tessa! Come out from the bathroom!" I hear my mother's voice. I don't want to go out. I'm so sick of their orders! "Tessa!" She yells again. "You have to try the dress, now!"

"I don't want this, mom. Leave me alone!"

"Tessa! C'mon, honey! I know you don't want anything from this, but you have to listen your father." I open the door. "Please, baby... I know this is hard for you and I'm don't agree with this, but you know your dad is doing what he wants. I promise to try to solve this."

"But I'm going to marry a stranger, mom! I didn't even know his full name! It's absurd!"

"Hardin it's not a stranger. You've meet him when you were little."

"Bullshit!" I laugh nervously.

"Please, Tess. Just do what Richard says. I promise to do something about it!"

"Ok fine!" I yell.

"Please, be nice. His mother and sister are here."

"What?! Are you fucking kidding me?!"

"Tessa, please. Behave around them. Just in this way you can win their trust."

"But I don't want this, mom!" I say and I break down. It was so hard for me in the last weeks. "I can't pretend that I'm fine anymore, mom! I don't want to marry him! I don't know him! I haven't seen him since we know about this fucking wedding!"

"Girl! Listen to me!" She takes my chin and she forces me to look into her eyes. "You are going to marry this man even if you like it or not! You are going to do this for us and you are going to be happy."

"You can't just force me to be happy!"

"Yes, I can! Now wipe off your baby tears, put your beautiful smile on and let's go to meet your future mother-in-law and sister-in-law! And I don't want to fight with you again, understand?!"

"Yes, mother." I wipe my tears and we go back to the try cabins, where are two women, I suppose they are my future family. I put my fake smile on and let's get the party started.

Carol: "Trish, Alice... It's so nice to see you again!" She smiles and she hugs them. I want to throw up right now. I don't want to be forced to be part of this family.

Trish: "So, she's your beautiful daughter?" She looks at me.

Carol: "Yes."

Trish: "She is a diamond! Just perfect for my son."

Tessa: "I'm really sorry to interrupt this discussion, but can we hurry, please? I have to learn for an exam I have tomorrow."

Carol: "You can skip it, darling. You don't need school to be Hardin's wife."

Trish: "Oh, no. It's fine. If she wants to go to school, no one can stop her. What if we reschedule this meeting in weekend?"

Carol: "Why to reschedule this when we are already here?"

Trish: "It's not that urgent, Carol. We can choose her dress later."

Carol: "At least, let's look at some dresses. The wedding is in two weeks and we don't have a dress."

Tessa: "Ok, fine. We can look for a dress, but I can't stay too long, mom."

Carol: "Good."

We start to look for a perfect dress for me, but I don't see anything I like. If I'm going to marry with that man, at I least I should wear something I like. My mother is talking about some shits about wedding while me and Alice are looking for the perfect dress

"You don't want this, right?" She asks me. What is she talking about?

"I'm sorry, but I don't know what are you talking about."

"I know you are forced to marry my brother, Tessa."

"It's not true." I deny. She's just 18. What she knows about this shit?

"Tessa, I'm not a child. I know how things work in this fucked up world. I will marry a stranger too when I will be older. You will marry my brother. You are the only one who can do something about this, Tessa. You and Hardin can stop this stupid tradition."

"I can't do anything, Alice. This is what our families want. We can't do anything." I find a dress and I take it. "I like it..."


"No, Alice. I don't want to talk about it."

Carol: "Did you find a dress, honey?"

Tessa: "Yes." I show her the dress and she give me a horrifying look. She doesn't like the dress. /AN-the dress is at media

Carol: "You want to try this dress?"

Tessa: "Yes."

Trish: "The dress is beautiful, Tessa. Go an try it."

I take the dress and I go to try it. It's a simple dress and I don't want anything fancy. I look in the mirror and this is the perfect dress. I will buy it even if my mother like it or not. I go out to show them the dress.

Trish: "Wow, Tessa! You are so beautiful."

Carol: "I don't like it."

Tessa: "Mom, I don't care if you like it or not. I like this dress and I want to wear this on my wedding day."

Carol: "You should wear something sexier, Tessa! This dress covers everything."

Trish: "Carol, don't. This dress is so beautiful and if she wants this dress, then let her to wear this. In addition, this dress fits perfect on her body."

Alice: "Yes, this dress is perfect for her."

Carol: "Ok, fine."

Finally, she agrees with me. I go back to change in my clothes and after this, a girl comes to pack my dress and we are ready to leave.

Tessa: "It was nice to meet you, Alice and Mrs. Scott. But now excuse me, I have to go home. Tomorrow I have my last exam and then I will have more free time."

Trish: "It was nice to see you, darling. Good luck with your exam."

Tessa: "Thank you! Bye!"

I take my purse and I leave as soon as possible. Finally, I can go home! Trish and Alice are not that bad, but... I can't trust them right now. Maybe they are nice with me because they want me to marry to that man, Hardin. But what if it's just a façade? But after I marry him, I will see what's happening...

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