Of Commitment (Hessa) - part 24

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Tessa's POV

A few days later...

It's almost time to finish work. It's the end of the week and I can't wait to finish my work because me and Hardin are going to see our little niece, Amelie. Alice and her baby were released from hospital today and we are going to see the baby for the first time.

I quickly read the last pages and I start to pack my stuff. When I'm done, I take the manuscript and I go to take it to Dianne. I go to her office, but the lights are off, so she left. I go back in my office and I let the manuscript on the desk. When I want to lock my office, I got a message from Hardin: I just arrived in the front of the building and I'm coming upstairs.

I smile when I read his message. I lock the door and I wait for him when Trevor comes from nowhere. Shit.


"What do you want, Trevor?"

"Nothing. Do you need company?"


"Why are you staying here? Work is over."

"It's not your business."

"I can stay with you." He come closer to me and I know this is not good.

"Don't touch me." I move back, but he still comes after me.


"Because I'm married and it's not right to do this."

"Hardin is just a fucker, Tessa." He takes my wrist.

"Take off your hand, Trevor."


"Hardin will come here soon and I'm sure you don't want to face him."

"And what if I want to face him?"

"Trevor, I don't know what happened between you and Hardin, but for you own good, let my hand!" C'mon, babe. Hurry up. Please!

"You don't have to know what happened. You will just pay for what he did." He squeezes my wrist harder and I hope Hardin will be here soon. I hear the elevator and I look at Trevor.

"Trevor, leave me alone!" I say trying to not cry. He keeps his hand tight on my wrist.

Hardin: "Take off your hand from her, now!" As Hardin says this, Trevor takes his hand from me.

Trevor: "She flirted with me, Hardin." What the fuck?! "She wanted to kiss me and she almost slipped her hand inside my pants." I'm sick of this man.

Tessa: "Hardin... I hope you don't believe these lies!" I say while I look at him, but he doesn't say anything.

Hardin: "Little asshole, look at me!" He almost yells at Trevor. "If you touch her or talk to her one more time, I'm going to kill you."

Trevor: "But it's her fault."

Hardin: "You can fuck off. I know my wife and she's not interested in you." I go to Hardin and he drags me in his arms. "If she tells me one more time the you talked or touched her, you won't be alive, understand?"

Trevor: "And who is going to pay for what you did, Scott? Did you tell her?"

Hardin: "Fuck off! Let's go." He takes my hand and we go to the elevator. We get in and as the door closes, I start to cry. "Shh, it's ok baby." He keeps me tight 8n his arms. "Everything is fine. I don't believe that son of a bitch, ok?" He rubs my back.

"I promise that I didn't touch him, Hardin."

"I already know this, baby. It's ok, I'm with you."

"I want to know what happened between you."

"And I will tell you everything, but later. Now, we have to see our little niece." He smiles and he wipes my cheeks.

"Yeah... Thanks for coming. I don't know what would happen if..."

"Let's not think about it, ok? Next time when he wants to talk with you, call me and I'm going to make him to back off."

"Let's just hope he understood the message."

"If not, next time he is going to be hurt." He kisses my forehead.

We arrive downstairs and we go to his car. He drives to Toby's apartment and I'm so excited to see the baby. In the last week we bought a lot of stuff for her and I can't wait to se that little baby.

We arrive in the front of the building and I take the gifts from the trunk. And I let Hardin behind me and he have to run after me.

"What happened?"

"Nothing. I'm just excited."

"Tess? Tell me what's wrong." He takes my wrist and even if he is gentle, it hurts. Trevor kept my wrist too tight.

"It hurts." I look at my hand and he let me go.

"Fuck off. He hurt you."

"I'm fine... I'm just messed up about what happened."

"We can go home if you want."

"No, no, no. I will be fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." I smile and I kiss him.


He takes my hand and we enter in the building. We take the elevator to the 6th floor where is Toby's apartment. We knock at the door and a few moments later, the new dad opens the door.

Toby: "Hi guys! Come in!" We enter in the house and we let the gifts on the floor. Hardin helps me to take off my jacket and then I take off my shoes.

Hardin: "How are they?"

Toby: "Good. They are fine."

Tessa: "Can I go to see them?"

Toby: "Yes. But be quiet, I think Alice is breastfeeding Amelie."

Tessa: "I will." I go to their bedroom and I knock at the door and I hear Alice's voice and I go in. "Hi!"

"Hi!" She smiles and I look at that little baby. I go closer to her and Amelie is so little.

"She's so tiny and cute."

"I know..."

"You have no idea how happy we are."

"Thank you. Do you want to hold her?"

"I don't know... I'm afraid that I will hurt her."

"You won't, I'll show you how to hold her. Sit down next to me." I do what she says and she gives me the baby.

"She is so precious... And she's beautiful."

"She has grey eyes, she's like a little diamond."

"You have a beautiful baby..."

Hardin: "Can I see my niece?"

Alice: "Of course you can!"

Hardin: "How are you feeling?" He comes closer to me.

Alice: "I'm good. I'm learning how to be a good mother for her."

Hardin: "She's beautiful."

Tessa: "She really is."

Hardin: "You don't look bad with a baby. I think I want one, now."

Tessa: "Haha good joke." I giggle.

Hardin: "I'm not joking."

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