Of Commitment (Hessa) - part 13

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Tessa's POV

"Tess... Don't be dumb. You know very well what I'm talking about. And you don't have to hide your feelings." Oh, shit.

"Who said that I am hiding my feelings?"

"Because you are not honest with me. In the last weeks, I learned a lot of things about you."

"Can we stop the discussion now? Can we talk at home? It's not something that we should talk in your car."

"Ok, fine."

He drives back home quietly and after twenty minutes he parks the car in the front of our house. He helps me to get out and I take off my heels before to walk to the house. I can't walk with them anymore because they are killing me. Who the fuck told me to wear these high-heels?

"Do you want me to pick you up?"

"Nope, I'm fine." He unlocks the door and we get in the house and I go to the stairs.

"Where are you going?"

"Upstairs, to get dressed in something comfortable."


He sits on the couch and I go upstairs. I take off my dress and I take off my uncomfortable bra and I put on my pajama. I go to the bathroom and I remove my make-up, then I put my hair in a bun and I go downstairs. Hardin is sitting on the couch and he waits for me. Let's talk about our feelings and how we will live together after he knows what I feel for him.

"You're done..."

"Yes, I am." I sit down next to him. "And in case you are horny again, I'm not in the mood for sex."

"Wow, you are too direct."

"Shut up and tell me what do you want."

"What's happening between us?"

"What do you mean? It's just sex."

"I don't think it was just sex in the last weeks, Tess."

"For you, it was."

"You feel something more for me?" I avoid his gaze and I play with the edge of my T-shirt. "Tessa, tell me."

"What do you want to hear, Hardin?!" I look at him and I'm trying so hard to not cry. "You want to know that I'm in love with you?!"

"You love me?"

"And what if I do? You don't feel anything for me, Hardin. Everything between us is a fake marriage and sex."

"You don't know my feelings, Tessa."

"Yes, I know."

"And you are wrong. If I would never feel something for you, I wouldn't be here, now. So, no. What we have is nothing fake."

"Yes, it is. You said it."

"I said this before all this. I am in love with you, Tess. I don't know what you did to me, but I'm crazy about you." He comes closer to me. "You change my life radically and I can't get you out of my mind. But I don't want this, ok?"


"I'm honest with you, love. I'm not lying."

"You are serious?" I stand up and I put my hand on his face.

"Yes, I am." I straddle him and he let his hand on my back.

"It looks like this marriage is not in vain." I smile to him.

"No, it's not." He kisses me.

"Let's go to bed, it's late and we need to sleep after this crazy day." He lifts me up and we go in his room. He let me on the bed and he goes to change his clothes and then he sits next to me. "I can't understand something, Tess."


"Why were you dancing with that son of a bitch?!"

"I was having fun without you."

"But you can't have fun without me."

"As I said, I'm not your property."

"I think you are because you have my name."

"Ok, I'm not ok with it." He's pissing me off. "As I said before, I'm not your property and I'm an independent woman. So, stop saying me what to do. Well, we should put some barriers between us if we want everything to work, Scott."

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't wear like a father, because we are not father and daughter, we are husband and wife. We don't have to give explanation to the other. I mean this kind of explanations, like why me or you did something. And not stuff like this, why to go out with our friends and shit. We are married, ok. But we are young and we can still do everything we want."

"Ok, you are right. But let's not have secrets between us. Let's be honest with the other and let's say everything when something bothers you."

"Ok, I agree. But now, can we go to sleep? I'm tired..."

"Sure." I get up. "Where are you going?"

"In my room to sleep."

"This is your room, Tess. So, come back." He takes my hand and he drags me next to him. "Have a good night, love."

"You too."

I cuddle in his arms and we fall asleep. Who thought that this day will end like this? I didn't even imagine that this day will end with my in Hardin's arms, knowing our real feelings. 

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