Of Commitment (Hessa) - part 21

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Tessa's POV

We had a boring lunch; he didn't even want to talk too much. We just ate in silence and when I was done, I just left without saying anything.

I went back to my office and I started to read again. But I'm interrupted by a message on my phone.

H: I'm sorry for what I did today. Me and Trevor had a past, I don't feel to tell you what happen, not now. Forgive me, please.

T: Ok, fine. But I want to know when something bothers you, remember what we talk when we decided to try something?

H: Yes. And I promise that I will tell you everything, ok? But for the moment the part with Alice is enough.

T: Ok.

H: When you finish your work?

T: At 5 pm.

H: Good. See you later. I love you.

T: I love you.

I let my phone on the desk and I start to read. A few hours later, I'm interrupted by my phone. It's almost 5 pm. Oh, shit. I take my phone and I answer.

Phone call


"Are you done? I'm in the front of the building."

"Yeah, I will take my stuff and I'm coming."


I end the call with Hardin and I put my stuff in my bag and I leave work. In the front of the building, I find my boyfriend.



"I'm sorry for today"

"It's ok, but you own me an explanation about what happened with him."

"I know." He kisses me.

"Alice and her boyfriend are coming at 6 pm. We should order dinner, right? I don't feel like I want to cook dinner."

"Yeah, that's ok. What we should order?" We get in his car.

"I don't know. Pastas or Mexican food?"

"Mexican. Tacos and fajitas, guacamole."

"I will make the order."

While he drives to our home, I made the order. We arrive home in time, exactly when Toby and Alice arrived there.

Tessa: "Hi!" I smile and I hug Alice.

Alice: "Hi."

Hardin: "I think we should get in." He unlocks the door and we get in the house.

Tessa: "Do you want something to drink?"

Alice: "Some water for me, please."

Tessa: "Toby?"

Toby: "For me too."

Tessa: "Hardin?"

Hardin: "I don't want anything, baby."

I leave them in the living and I go to the kitchen. I take a tray and I put a bottle of water on it, some glasses and some snacks, then I go back to them. I find Alice and Toby sitting on the couch and Hardin is staying on the armchair. No one is talking. Great! Toby has one arm around Alice and the other is on her abdomen. He is cute. Hardin has his grip on the and I know he is not ok with it.

Tessa: "We ordered Mexican food."

Alice: "Great!"

Hardin: "You, take off your hands from my sister."

Tessa: "Hardin!"

Alice: "So, we are going to stay here without talking anything?"

Tessa: "I think we should talk after dinner."

Toby: "Yeah, we should talk after dinner."

Hardin: "How you two met?"

Alice: "In high-school. He was the captain of football teams and I was a cheerleader."

Hardin: "Since when are you together?"

Alice: "We had a year in May."

Hardin: "Jesus! And you kept it a secret?!"

Tessa: "Hardin, calm, ok?" I say and I look at him. I sit on the edge of the armchair, next to him.

Alice: "That's why I kept telling you do something about what our father wants."

Hardin: "And you let him to get you pregnant just because of this?"

Alice: "Oh, God! You can't understand that it was an error?! We used protection every time, but it happened to use a break condom. This could happen to you and someone else! I wish this wouldn't happened, but I can't do anything. And I would really appreciate if you would think a little about this."

Tessa: "You should think about it." I whisper. "We had a lot of sex and this could happened to us. I'm just saying."

Hardin: "No."

Tessa: "Hardin... I thought we talked."

Alice: "Let's just end the discussion here, Hardin. I know it's a mistake, but let's just be ok with this. Mom and dad are enough to be mad at me, but you... You are my big brother; my model and I would like you to support me."

Hardin: "And I will." He sighs and we hear the doorbell.

Tessa: "I think dinner is here."

I stand up and I go to the door. I pay for the food and close the door. We go in the kitchen and we start to eat. Everyone is staying silent and I just hope everything is fine. I hope Hardin is good with what's happening with Alice. When we eat, I put the dishes in the dishwasher and we go back to the living room.

Hardin: "You have my blessing."

Alice: "What do you mean?"

Hardin: "You can do everything you want. I will talk with dad about this and I will try to convince him."

Alice: "Really?" She smiles.

Hardin: "You really think that I'm joking?"

Alice: "I love you, Hardin!" She goes to him and she hugs him. In the beginning Hardin doesn't react, but he has no ice heart and he hugs Alice back. I knew he is not that bad.

Hardin: "And you." He turns to Toby. "If you dare to make her to suffer, you are dead. And you want to know how I will kill you? Not that easy. First of all, I will cut your dick and your balls. I will fry them and I will give you to eat them. And then I'm going to burn you." Toby has a scared look on his face. Jesus, this man is crazy.

Tessa: "He is kidding!" I laugh and I go to Hardin. "He likes to make jokes."

Hardin: "No, I'm not."

Tessa: "Shut up, Scott."

Hardin: "Or else what?"

Alice: "Ok, I can feel what's happening and I think me and Toby will leave."

Hardin: "Good idea."

Alice: "Have a good night."

Tessa: "You too!"

We say goodbye to Toby and Alice and we lock the door.


"Now I'm going to take a shower. Alone." I smile.

"Without me?"

"Yes, without you." I smile and I go upstairs, in our room. I get in the dressing and I take some pajamas and panties.




"Nope. You had enough, babe. Some breaks are good for us."

"As if we can resist." He rolls his eyes and he comes to kiss me.

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