Of Commitment (Hessa) - part 15

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Tessa's POV

"Tessa?" I hear her broken voice. What happened?

"Alice? Are you ok?"

"No, I'm not. Can I come to your place, please?"

"Yeah, sure."

"Thank you, Tessa."

I end the call and I hand the phone back to Hardin.

"We can't continue. Alice is not fine and she's coming here." I get up and I get dressed.

"Excuse me? You're refusing me because of my sister?!"

"Yes, I do!"

"You are unbelievable!" He stands up and he get dressed.

"You are unbelievable! Don't make a scene! She's your sister and she need our help."

"But not now!"

"And you said that it's not just sex!" I yell at him. What the fuck is wrong with him? He has no soul?

"It's not just sex, Tessa... But what Alice has, can wait."

"You are so selfish! You only care about your feelings!"

I take my phone and I leave him alone in the bedroom and I go in the living room. He's not coming after me. Well, very good. I don't want to see him tonight. After 15 minutes, I hear a knock at the door, so Alice is here. I open the door and Alice is not the girl I met for the first time. Her face is red and she is not fine.

"Alice? What happened?"

"I... I had a fight with my dad and I ran away..."

"Come in!" She comes in and I lock the door. "Let's go to the kitchen, I will make you some tea."

"Hardin is home?"

"Yes, he is upstairs." We enter in the kitchen and she sits at the table. I give her the tissues box and I heat some water. I take mint tea and I put in two cups. A few moments later, I pour the water. "Can you tell me what happened?"

"I'm pregnant."


Hardin: "You what?!" He enters in the kitchen and he is nervous. Oh, no.

Tessa: "Leave, now." She doesn't need him now.

Hardin: "Don't tell me what to do when this is about my family, Tessa!"

Tessa: "She doesn't need to yell at her, so leave!"

Hardin: "I'm not leaving until she doesn't tell me everything."

Alice: "I knew it's not a good idea to come here..."

Tessa: "No, no, no."

Hardin: "What happened, Alice?!"

Alice: "I'm pregnant, Hardin! What's more to say?" She starts to cry and I go to hug her. I'm so sorry for what's happening with her.

Hardin: "You are just 20, Alice! You are just a kid!" He yells at her and I don't like it.

Tessa: "You can fuck off, Hardin!" I yell at him. "Leave, now!"

Hardin: "Tessa, don't get involved in this! It's not your business."

Tessa: "Alice, let's go upstairs. He is not in the mood to talk like normal people." I take Alice's hand.

Hardin: "Tessa! You can fuck off." I slap him.

Tessa: "Don't you dare to say this again."

He looks shocked at me and we go upstairs in my room. I try so hard to not cry... Because I don't want to be so stupid in front of him. Yes, I love him. But when he is in this way, I want to kill him.

"I should leave, Tessa. Hardin is angry enough of me and I don't want you to fight with him. I mean you and Hardin almost can live together and I came here and now I think I fucked up everything."

"Hardin is not in his mood. He is an asshole. Let's just hope that tomorrow he will be fine and we will could have a silent talk."

"I'm sorry if I've fucked up everything."

"It's fine, don't worry. Now... tell me what happened... I'm here to listen to you and I'm not going to be like your brother."

"Well... I have... had a relationship with this guy, Toby, since my last year of high-school. We managed to hide our relationship of my father and everything was fine. We were in love, so in love until yesterday... I found out that I'm pregnant and I told him first. Every time we had sex, we used protection, but... it happened a mistake. My mom found the test and she told this to dad... We had a bad fight because I was angry at Toby because he was so indifferent about what happened and then I had a bad fight with mom and dad and I ran away. And that's it... everyone is mad at me because they are thinking that all of this it's just my fault."

"It's not your fault... I mean, you boyfriend has a part of this..."

"You can stay here until everything calms down. Hardin's won't be upset about this, I promise."

"He's really angry at me in this moment and I think he is mad at you."

"If he loves me, he will forgive you."

"Love? Why are you talking about Hardin and love?"

"Because this is between us, at least I thought there is some love." I roll my eyes.

"You and Hardin?"

"Me and Hardin have feelings for each other. The last weeks were full for us and we figured out everything between us. But now... he shows me the opposite."

"I'm sorry for coming here... I should leave."

"No, it's ok. You can stay. Hardin is just disoriented and he will be fine soon."

"If you say..."

"And... What do you want to do now?"

"I don't know."

"You want to keep it?"

"Of course! But everyone around me is telling me to abort it, but I don't want to kill a soul... It's a part of me and my lover... I just can't do this."

"It's okay... If you want this, no one can tell you what to do, ok?"

"You are saying this? You were forced to marry him..."

"Well... Now, between me and Hardin is something else. Everything changed in our honeymoon and now everything between us became something real. We are in love with each other and it's something else..."

"Oh... Hardin have feelings for you?"

"Yes... I think. We figured out everything this weekend... And I hope his feelings are real."

"I think everything is real... Because Hardin is not that kind of man who has feelings, but with you... He is different. Well not now, because obviously he is angry."

"He will be fine. He is a big boy and he will calm down, don't worry."

"I hope."

"Let's go to sleep. I bet you are tired."

"Can you give me some clothes?"

"Yes, of course." I get up and I take out a pajama from the closet. I'm going to check the door and to drink some water, do you need anything?"

"No, thank you."

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