Of Commitment (Hessa) - part 28

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Tessa's POV

As we arrive at home, I go in our bedroom and I lay down on the bed. I put my hand on my abdomen. Why I had to be so stupid? Why I didn't feel that I'm pregnant? I knew how much Hardin wanted a baby and the last time when I went to my OB, I decided to not take the contraceptive shot and it happened... He wanted this baby so much and now... Now the baby is gone.

"Tess..." I hear his voice and I don't do anything. "Love..." He sits next to me and he puts his hand over mine. "I will repeat this hundreds of times: it's not your fault."

"Yes, it is. I... I didn't take my last contraceptive shot."

"What? Why?"

"Because I saw how much you wanted a baby and I wanted to give you one. I wanted to not be selfish for once." I look at him with tears in my eyes.

"Oh, love..." He rubs my cheek. "You are too good for me. We decided to wait until you finish college."

"I know... But I thought this would make you happy. Because you are so happy when you are staying with Amelie and..."

"And enough." He kisses me. "It's not your fault."

"I am still sorry."

"Don't be." He gently kisses my lips. "I promise that as soon as you finish the college, I'm not going to let you to rest a second until we have a baby." He laughs, but I can't laugh. "I'm sorry. Everything will be fine, ok?" I nod. "I have to go somewhere now... But I called you friend, Kim... She's coming here."

"Where are you going?" I put my hand on his cheek and he avoids to look at me. I don't think it's ok what he wants to do. "Hardin?"

"It's fine, I will be fine. I'm not staying too much. I promise." He kisses my face.

"Don't leave me, please... I need you." I say trying to not cry.

"I have to know who did this, Tess. I want to know who wants us dead."

"I need you here, Hardin! Don't leave me, please!" I start to cry. "Please!"

"Shhh, it's ok love." He hugs me tight. "I'm not going anywhere." He gently rubs my back.

"It hurts, Hardin..." I sob.

"I know, I know. But we are going to move on, ok?"

"I know... But the wound is fresh and..."

"It's ok, love. I will always be here. I will always be on your side." He starts to play with my hair and he gently rubs my back, until I slowly fall asleep.

When I wake up, I'm alone in bed and I don't feel fresh. I didn't sleep good and I don't want to do anything.

I get up from the bed and I go to the bathroom. I'm still bleeding, but the doctor said this will end in a few days. It's like a period, but it hurts. Emotional and physical.

When I'm done, I'm going downstairs where is Kim. No... No.

"Where's Hardin?" She doesn't say anything. "Kim? Where is he?!"


"Where is Hardin?!"

"He... He left."

"No, no, no!" I take my phone and I call Hardin.

Phone call


"I'm sorry, love..."

"Where are you?!"

"I will be home soon, Tess. Don't worry about me."

"Hardin, please... Come home. I don't want to be alone."

"Tess, listen to me please..."

"I want you, Hardin! Please, come home... If you really love me, you will come home. I don't need anything, I need you. Only you!" I yell and I then I lost my voice. "Please!" I manage to say before I end the call. I throw away the phone and I sit on the couch. I bring my legs to my chest and I start to cry. I don't want to be here. I need Hardin.

"Shhh, it's ok, Tessa!" She rubs my back. "Everything will come to normal and you and Hardin will be happy."

"Don't do this, Kim." I say with a low voice.

"Look Tessa... I've been through this last year... And I know it's hard. And I understand you, I really know how much this hurts, but... You can't do anything and suffering... It's not the best choice. It hurts, this is true, but it's not good for your health, especially for your mental health. You are young, you have time to have another baby. Please, don't make from this something too dramatic..."

"I can't. It was a part of me and him... I can't just move on."

"It's hard, I know. You will never can move on, like to forget this forever, but you can just think about it as a memory from the past. This was meant to be, Tessa. And maybe it has to be in this way even if it wasn't an accident."

"I don't know... I want Hardin..."

"He will be here soon."

Ten minutes later, I hear the door. I stand up and I run to him. I hug him tight as I won't him let go.

"Don't leave me ever again!" I start to cry in his arms and he rubs my back.

"I'm not going to leave you, babe! I promise!"

Kim: "I think I'm going to leave."

Hardin: "Thank you for coming."

Kim: "No problem." I hear the door and now it's just me and Hardin.

"Get up, love. The floor is cold." He helps me to stand up and we go lay down on the couch.

"I'm sorry Hardin..."

"As I said before, it's not your fault, love. It was meant to be, ok? We will be able to have kid later, ok?"

"What if after this we can't have any kids?"

"No. We are both healthy and when we will be ready, we will try again." He kisses my forehead.

"What did you do?"

"Nothing. I wanted to find Trevor, but you called before I did something. And I couldn't let you alone."

"Thank you... Let the police to do their job, please... I need you free and alive, Hardin."

"I love you."

"And I love you."

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