Of Commitment (Hessa) - part 29

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Tessa's POV

A few weeks later...

I'm reading the last book for this week and I can't wait to arrive home, to take a hot bath and then to go to sleep. I finish my work around 5 pm and I get ready to leave. I take my bag and I go out from my office. And I met Trevor. No fucking hell, I take the pepper spray from my bag and I turn it to him.

"I'm not scared to use it, Trevor."

"I won't do anything. I just want to talk with you!"

"No way! Move from my way or I will use it."


"Move from my way, now!"

I yell, but he doesn't move, so I spray the pepper in his eyes, I hit him between his legs and then I run to the elevator. As the door closes, I breath in a relief and I take out my phone. Hm... I don't think it's a good idea to tell Hardin what happened. Not now because I know he will leave his work and he will find Trevor. As soon as I arrive downstairs, i run to my car and I quickly drive home. It's good because I can't see Hardin's car, so he's not home yet. I park the car in the garage and I go to change my work clothes, then I go to the bathroom and I take out a pregnancy test and I pee on it. We decided to just fuck off the contraceptive and we just wait to happen. After five minutes, I look on the test and it's negative. Great! And why my period is late? When I throw away the test, I hear the front door. He is home. Great. I go downstairs and he is taking off his shoes.



"How was you day, love?" He comes to me and he kisses me.

"I don't think it was as good as yours."

"Why? What happened?" He takes my face between his hands.

"Promise that you will stay calm, ok?"

"Tess... What happened?"

"Trevor wanted to talk with me. He didn't let me to leave. He didn't touch me, he just wanted to talk, but I was scared and I sprayed some pepper spray in his eyes and I hit his balls."

"That's my girl." He smiles and he hugs me. "But now, being serious, I will talk with Dianne about him."


"What's wrong?"

"I'm just tired. I will go to make dinner. Do you have any preferences?"

"We can order something if you are tired."

"I will be fine, don't worry." I kiss him.

"I love you."

"I love you."

I go to the kitchen and I make our dinner, some tomatoes soup and some chinese chicken. When I'm almost ready, Hardin comes in the kitchen.

"Did you took a test again?"

"Yep. Negative. My period is late and I have no idea why."

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