Of Commitment (Hessa) - part 37

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Tessa's POV

Hardin: "What's wrong?"

Dr. Robbins: "Well... Congrats! You are having twins."

Tessa: "What?"

Dr. Robbins: "There are two embryos." She points at the screen. "See that there are two black spots?" We nod, looking at the screen. "You're gonna have two babies. You are around 9 weeks, so we can hear their heartbeats." She presses a button and then we hear two heartbeats. "We have here two strong heartbeats. As it's a twin pregnancy, there are a lot of risks, but I'm sure everything will be fine. In just three weeks you are going to be in the second trimester, and as week passes, the risks of having a miscarriage are low. And as we heard two strong heartbeats, this is a sign that both babies are fine, but I want you to make some tests, these are important in the first trimester."

Hardin: "Ok, we can do it."

Dr. Robbins: "And I suggest you to announce your boss about this pregnancy, because there are high chances to take your maternity leave earlier than a woman with a single pregnancy. But no need to worry, you will feel overwhelmed by two babies growing inside and it will be hard for you to work. But this can be the opposite, maybe you will feel good the entire pregnancy and you will be able to work more. But I suggest you to take your maternity leave around 32 weeks."

Tessa: "I understand."

Dr. Robbins: "Good, then I will print the ultrasound and we will go in my office to talk about your pregnancy plan, ok?"

Tessa: "Yes."


"Shit." He laughs when we arrive at home. "We're not having just one baby, we are having two!"

"It will be hard..."

"We will do it together, love. We are in this together and I'm not gonna let you one second alone."

"I hope everything will be ok."

"It will be fine. We're going to have our babies in May and we will be the best parents! Better than our parents, I promise."

"I love you, Hardin." I smile and I kiss him.

"And I love you."

A few days later...

Today we are going to share the news with our families. I didn't want to tell them about my pregnancy, but Hardin insisted and here we are.

"Hardin, I just hope they will leave fast. I'm not in the mood for a visit."

"I promise." He kisses me and we hear the doorbell. "I'm going to open."


Hardin goes to the door and he greets our family. I can't wait for the to leave, so I can rest, because the pregnancy started to exhaust me. We sit in the lounge are and we talk random stuff, until my mother dares to ask about kids.

Carol: "And? When you will bless us with grandkids? We're old and we want to see our grandkids."

Richard: "Yes! You are together for more than a year. Where are the kids?"

Hardin: "Actually, we are expecting. Tessa is pregnant."

Trish: "Oh, really?"

Tessa: "Yes. I'm pregnant in 10 weeks. With twins."

Christian: "What a great new!"

Richard: "Congrats, kids!"

Trish: "We are so happy for you!"

Christian: "Let's hope they are having two boys, so they will be able to end up leading our business, after Hardin, of course!"

Hardin: "Well, about that... I have some news about it too."

Christian: "What's wrong?"

Hardin: "I quit."

Christian: "Excuse me?"

Hardin: "You heard me very well, dad. I decided to quit this shitty job. I don't want to work for you anymore, so you can fuck off with your business."

Christian: "Are you kidding?"

Hardin: "No, I'm not. I will come on Monday to take my stuff and to give you my resignation and you better accept it, dad."

Christian: "You can't do this, Hardin!"

Hardin: "Yes, I can do this."

Christian: "But you have a family!"

Hardin: "I know. Now, I ask all of you to leave, because my wife needs to rest."

Christian: "We have to talk about this, Hardin!"

Hardin: "And I don't want to talk. Now, leave, before I get mad."

Our parents leave and I breath in a relief. I'm not in the mood to stay with them and to talk shit. Hardin locks the door and we go in our bedroom.

"Why you didn't tell me about quitting your actual job?"

"We've talked about it a few days earlier."

"But I didn't think you would do this so soon."

"Well, I had enough of his shit."

"And what do you want to do?" We cuddle on the bed.

"Well, as Toby works in the same domain as me, we will make a business together."

"Oh, that's great!"

"It will take us a while to do everything, but I will know that I'm my own boss and I will be able to leave work at any time, it will be easier to take care of you and our babies."

"You are cute." I smile.

"Don't call me cute, love."

"But you are." I lean on to kiss him.

"Ok, fine." He giggles. "What about a nap, love?"

"I would love to."

"Sleep well, baby."

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