Of Commitment (Hessa) - part 38

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Tessa's POV

A few weeks later...

I gently go down to the stairs, paying attention to not fall. I'm pretty big at 20 weeks, but having twins is a good reason for looking as a 30-weeks pregnant woman, right?

Today we are going to an appointment, maybe we will be lucky to find the gender of our babies. Hardin should be home soon. He started to plan his business with Toby and they are doing a great job together.

I go in the kitchen and I drink some water, when I'm back in the living room, I find Hardin there.


"Hello love! Ready to see our little ones?"

"Yes!" I smile and I go to kiss him. "I hope we will be about to find out the genders."

"Me too. And I wish we will have a boy and a girl."

"Yes! I can't wait to see them again."

"Me neither."

We leave our house and after one hour we arrive at the hospital and we go to make our check-in, then we wait to be admitted in dr. Robbins office. A few minutes later, we go in. We talk a little about happened since our last visit, then we go to do the ultrasound. I sit on the bed and I lift up my t-shirt, letting my rounded belly naked. She pours gel on it and she puts the wand on it, rolling it all over the belly.

Dr. Robbins: "This is baby A." She points to the baby. Now we can see properly their legs, hands, heads, they are so cute! "And it's a girl!"

Hardin: "A girl, love!" he smiles and he kisses my hand.

Dr. Robbins: "And baby B, a healthy baby boy. Congrats!"

Tessa: "We're having a boy and a girl, this is exactly how we wanted." I smile looking at the screen.

Dr. Robbins: "They are looking good for almost 21 weeks and in 17 or 18 weeks I expect to give birth."

Hardin: "They are fine?"

Dr. Robbins: "Yes. Tessa, did you have any problems?"

Tessa: "It's a little bit uncomfortable to work already..."

Dr. Robbins: "Then, I suggest you to take your maternity leave sooner. Your health is more important than anything."

Tessa: "I know and I will do this."

Dr. Robbins: "Good. We're done." She gives me some tissues. "Everything is fine with your babies, no worries. You have two healthy babies."

Hardin: "Thank you."

A few months later...

My water just broke and it hurts so bad. I had a few contractions today and I saw this coming.


"Babe? What's wrong?" he comes out from his home office.

"My water just broke." I look down.

"Oh, shit. Let's go to the hospital!"

Hardin helps me to get dressed, then we leave the house. We already have in the care the baby's seats and my bag, so no need to worry about this. We go to the car and we get in. I hope everything is going well and my plan of a natural birth will work. Hardin drives quickly to the hospital. We arrive there and he goes to the reception to check us in. A nurse comes to us and she takes us at the maternity floor, in our room. A few moments later, dr. Robbins comes in.

Dr. Robbins: "So? The babies decided to come today?"

Tessa: "Yeah. It's not early?"

Dr. Robbins: "At 37 weeks? Nope. For twins it's just perfect. I will check up to see how much you are dilated, ok?"

Tessa: "Yes."

After a check-up, dr. Robbins told me that I'm four centimeters dilated, which is good, because at our last appointment, three days ago, I was just one centimeter. She leaves and now it's just me and Hardin.

"It's really happening, babe. We're having these babies now!"

"Yes, we are." He smiles and he kisses me. "So, about their names?"

"Emery Addison Scott."

"And Auden Eric Scott."

"Yes. It's perfect!"

"We should call our parents?"

"No, no. I don't want them in our life."

"Ok, I respect your decision."

A few hours later...

Dr. Robbins: "Push, Tessa, and the first baby is out!"

Tessa: "It hurts!"

Dr. Robbins: "I know, but one more push."

Hardin: "C'mon baby, you are strong and you can do it." He kisses my forehead and I push one more time and then we hear a baby cry. Oh, God!

Dr. Robbins: "And the first born it's a girl!" I feel tears on my cheeks and a few moments later, a nurse puts the baby on my chest. Oh, she's so sweet.

Tessa: "Hi, baby girl..." I smile and I gently kiss her head.

Hardin: "She's your copy."

Tessa: "No, she's yours!" I giggle, but then I feel a pain. Oh, here we go again!

Nurse: "I will take the baby, to clean her, to make some measurements and I will give her back, ok?"

Tessa: "Yes, it's... I can't continue because I have a contraction."

Dr. Robbins: "Well, at the next contraction, I want you to push, ok?"

Tessa: "Yes."

After a few pushes, our second baby is here. He is louder than his sister, we will have two opposite kids. The nurse puts him on my chest and I look at him. He is perfect, as his sister. The nurse also takes him and I will see them later, when I will be moved to my room. After everything is done in the delivery room, I'm moved to my room, where Hardin waits for me.

"You did a really great job, love. You are the strongest woman on this earth." He kisses me. "I love you so much, Tess. You just gave me the most precious things."

"I love you. Where are they?"

"A nurse will bring them here soon. They are both perfect!"

"They are so cute."

"I know." Two nurses come in the room, with our babies. Hardin takes Emery and I take Auden.

Nurse: "Congrats! They are perfect!"

Hardin: "Thank you!"

Nurse: "I will come in a few minutes to show you how to breastfeed them, ok?"

Tessa: "Yes, thank you."

"Now, our life is perfect, Tess."

"Yes, it is. Thank you for entering in my life forced. You made me the happiest!"

"I can say the same."

"I love you."

"I love you."


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