Of Commitment (Hessa) - part 23

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Tessa's POV

A few months later

I read in peace in my office, when someone just barge in. Shit. Hardin?

"Alice." He can't breathe, because it looks like he ran.

"What's with Alice?"

"She... She's in labor."


"But I thought she has to give birth next month." I stand up and I put my stuff in my bag. "We should go to the hospital?"


"Have you talked with Toby?"

"Yes, he called me."

"But how this happened?" I ask him while we go to the elevator.

"She was cleaning the house, even if Toby told her to not do this. She fell of the chair and her water broke, she didn't feel the baby and here we go."

"She's so fucking stubborn. Oh, I forgot that she's your sister."

"I'm not stubborn, baby."

"If you say so... And how is she?"

"She had a bleeding and I think they are going to take her in the birth room."

"I hope she will be fine."

"Me too."

One hour later we arrive at the hospital, where we find Toby.

Tessa: "How is she?"

Toby: "She's inside, with the doctor. They will try to delay her birth. She has 35 weeks... I just hope everything will be fine with our baby."

Hardin: "But I can't understand why she cleaned the house?!"

Toby: "She's stubborn. The doctor said at out last appointment to not do too much effort, and where are we now?"

Tessa: "Ok, guys... Stop blaming Alice. It happened. Now, we have to be here, to support her. Ok?"

Hardin: "Yeah, you are right, baby." He kisses my forehead and doctor Robbins comes out from Alice's room.

Toby: "Doctor how is she?"

Dr. Robbins: "The bleeding has stopped, but she's leaking amniotic liquid and we have to do and emergency C-section. But she and the baby will be fine. I'm going to prepare for the surgery."

Toby: "Can we see her?"

Dr. Robbins: "Yes."

Toby: "Good. Thank you." We enter in Alice's room.

Hardin: "Hi sis!" He goes to her bed and he kisses her forehead. "Why you always are stubborn as hell?"

Alice: "It's something in our family."

Tessa: "I agree."

Hardin: "Ha-ha, very funny."

Toby: "How are you feeling, Al'? It still hurts?"

Alice: "No, they gave me some pain killers."

Tessa: "Everything will be fine with you and your baby."

Alice: "I know. I trust Doctor Robbins."

After 15 minutes, some nurses come in Alice's room and we go out. Toby goes with her in the delivery room and we wait news.

"We should make one too?" He asks me suddenly. What?

"A baby?"


"No. I don't want a baby now."

"Maybe after you finish college?"

"Maybe." I smile.

"We are going to have a nephew or a niece."

"Yes, we will. I hope everything will be fine."

"And it will be. Dr. Robbins is the best doctor, right?"

"Yes." I let my head on his shoulder.

"We should call you parents... At least, you mother. I'm sure Alice wants her to be here."

"Maybe I will melt my father's heart with the news?"

"Maybe. You can try."

"Let's hope he will answer. You know he almost talks with me at work."

"It's not ok."

"I know. But if he is stubborn, what can I do? I'm going to call my mother and I'm going to take coffee, want one?"


"Good." He kisses me and he leaves.

It's been seven months since me and Hardin are something real and I feel like I love him more and more day by day, and he feels the same. He is showing me his love every time he can, and I'm happy because we have a future together. Christian is avoiding Hardin since he knows about Alice's pregnancy. Even if Hardin tried to convince him to move on, but Christian is too stubborn and they talk just about work. But Hardin is not interested to talk with him, so it's not a problem.

After 10 minutes Hardin is back with our coffee.

"Thank you." I kiss his cheek.

"My mom is coming."

"Good. And Christian?"

"He is not in town, and I don't think he cares about this." He takes my hand. "Mom is happy."

"I know she is."

After another 30 minutes, Trish arrives at the hospital.

Trish: "How is she?"

Hardin: "We don't know anything yet. She's in surgery."

Trish: "I hope she will be fine..."

Tessa: "She will be fine. And the baby will be fine too."

After 15 minutes, we finally see Toby with a big smile on his face. This can mean just some good news.

Toby: "Everything is fine! Me and Alice have a beautiful baby girl!"

Trish: "Oh, God! Congrats!" She hugs Toby. Thank God they are fine!

Hardin: "Now, you have to take care of two girls or else... you know what will happen." He hugs Toby. I just can't with these jokes. He is killing me.

Tessa: "Congrats, Toby! When we can see them?"

Toby: "Alice will be moved to her room soon and the baby will stay in a NICU until tomorrow. As she's a premature baby, she needs a little help to breath, but she's fine. I took a picture!"

He says happy while he takes out his phone and he show us a picture with the baby. She's so little and beautiful. I can't wait to be able to stay with her.

Trish: "She's a little angel."

Toby: "Yeah, she is."

Tessa: "And? What's her name?!"

Toby: "We decided to name her Amelie Taylor."

Trish: "What a beautiful name!"

Hardin: "Yes, it is."

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