Of Commitment (Hessa) - part 32

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Tessa's POV

I look on the website and I see my grades for my last exam. I can't believe I took the highest grade! I'm so happy because I was able to do this. I was able to learn while I was having a hard time and now, I have a degree in English Literature and I can't wait to discover everything about this subject.

"Love! I'm home!" As I hear his voice, I close my laptop and I run to him with a big smile on my face. "Someone's happy?"

"Of course, I am! And you will be happy too because you have a wife with the maximum degree at her last exam!" I say and I jump in his arms.

"Woah, I am so proud of you baby!"

"Thank you!" I kiss him. "I think we are ready for your plan."

"My plan?"

"Yes. I can make my luggage in one hour, so we can fly to Las Vegas tonight."

"You really want this?"

"Yes. I don't want a big wedding; I want to be just me and you."

"This sounds great, love." He kisses me, but this time is a passionate kiss. "I can't wait to marry you again."

"Me too."

"Let's make our bags, I will call to the airport, so we can have my airplane ready."

"You have a plane?"

"Yes, I do."

"What stuff I don't know about you?"

"You know everything about me, now."

"Let's go get ready our luggages."

We enter in our bedroom and Hardin takes out our luggages.

"What should I pack?"

"Nothing. I am sure we will spend a lot of time in the bedroom, naked."

"Hardin!" I giggle and I go in the dressing. "Where we can go after Las Vegas?"

"Well, we can have our honeymoon in Los Angeles. How this sounds?"

"For me it's good." I take some dresses from the hanger. "Which one do you like the most?"

"The nightgowns."

"Pervert. So? Yellow, blue, green or pink?"

"Take two. The yellow and the blue ones. If you need another one, we can buy dresses and everything you need."


I pack some t-shirts, shorts, an elegant dress for the ceremony and when I'm at the lingerie drawer, Hardin has a pervert smile on his face.

"Take the sexiest lingerie you have. And the same goes with your swimsuits."

"If you want to have sex, why I should bring clothes?"

"That's what I said, love. But you want clothes."

One and a half hour later we are done and we are ready to go to the airport.


"I have to take something from the bathroom and we can go."

"Hurry up, love."

I go in the bathroom and I take the box of pregnancy tests. In case of everything, I have to be prepared. I know I am crazy about this, but I have a bad feeling about me being pregnant again. I get out from the bathroom.

"No. Put them back. We won't stress about this subject, Tess."

"But..." He takes the box from my hand.

"But nothing babe. Let's go!"

"Ok, fine."

He takes our stuff and he takes them to the car. We get in the car and he starts to drives to the airport.

"Look, if you are not pregnant when we came back, we are going to the doctors and we will to everything to have a baby. You know that your doctor said that your body is still recovering after the accident. And the stress for your last exam. But now, we are going to relax and we will have a baby sooner or later."

He let his hand on my thigh. He is right. I should relax and let the things to happen as they are planned. Thirteen minutes later we arrived at the airport and we get in Hardin's plane. It's a luxurious one, with eight seats. Perfect for a family trip. We sit on the chair and he insists to knot my belt. He likes to play and while he does this, he rubs his hands against my body and it's not good.

"If you keep touching me, I'm gonna let you to fuck me here." I whisper.

"I'm planning on doing that later, beautiful." He sits next to me and he put his belts, then he takes my hand. "I love you, Tess."

"And I love you."

After a long flight, we finally arrive in Las Vegas. We take a cab to the hotel where are we staying. I'm so tired after this long flight of six hours. Hardin takes the keys for the prenuptial apartment and we take the elevator to the last floor. We are going to stay in Las Vegas for a few days, then we are leaving to Los Angeles.

"I am so tired." I say while I jump on the bed and I close my eyes. "You took out all the energy from me."

"And don't complain. You liked it." He sits next to me.

"Let's get some sleep. Tomorrow is a big day for us."

"Good. But first, let's change our clothes."

He takes of his T-shirt and his pants, then he takes off my dress and my bra, then he helps me to get dressed with his T-shirt.

"Thank you."

"Good night, baby."


I wasn't this excited at my graduation or our first wedding, but now... Now it's something else. It's our real wedding. Today is our day... This will be one of the most important days in our life. June 15th, our wedding day.

"Tess? Are you ready?"

"In a second!" I fix my hair with hair-spray and I open the door. I'm greeted by Hardin's big smile.

"You are stunning, love."

"Thank you." I smile and I kiss him.

"You are ready?"

"More than ready."

He takes my hand and we leave our hotel room. We get in the rented car and he drives to the ceremony building. I'm so excited to tell him what I feel for him.


"As you know, we didn't have a good start together as a family. We were forced to get into this marriage one year ago, and now we are here. We are in the moment we are showing our true feelings. In the moment I knew that I'm going to marry someone, I didn't pay attention, but when I saw you for the first time, I knew you are the one. You are my friend, my confident, my mistress, my wife, my love, my everything and I will always be grateful for what I have with you. We've been through a lot in the last year, but now we are stronger than ever. I promise to love you, to stay with you, to support you, to help you for the rest of my life. I will always love you, Tessa." I have tears in my eyes. He's a precious and I love him more day by day. He quickly wipes my tears and he smiles to me. He also has watery eyes.

"To be honest, it wasn't love at first sight for me, but as I spent more time with you... Everything changed and my feeling for you changed. And now we are here, starting for the second time, our family." I smile and I look at him. "And I can't wait to see what the destiny has prepared for us. I am happy for having you in my life and I know that we are going to be together for the rest of our life. I promise to be your supporter, your lover, your confident, you everything. I love you and I always will."

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