Of Commitment (Hessa) - part 2

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Hardin's POV

I'm with my father at our office. We're bussy working on a new project until we are interrupted by one of his business partners, Richard Young. Richard Young, my future father-in-law. That's great right? I have to marry a girl I don't know. But I don't care. I'm not going to fall in love with her because I don't do relationship, so everything will be just for our families.

Richard: "Christian! Long time no see!" He hugs my father. "Hardin, it's nice to see you again." He shakes my hand. Yeah, very nice.

Christian: "I heard that your daughter choose the dress?"

Richard: "Yes. They were this morning to look for dresses and she found one very fast."

Christian: "That's good. I want to have dinner together this weekend. How this sounds?"

Richard: "Yeah, that's great!"

Christian: "They can meet for the first time and they can talk about them."

Richard: "Yes, of course. Tessa can't wait to meet Hardin."

Christian: "And Hardin can't wait to meet her. Right son?"

Hardin: "Yeah, whatever." I look on my laptop.

Christian: "Let's go in my office to talk more. Hardin, can you finish the project?"

Hardin: "Yes, dad."

They leave in my father's office and I can hear all their discussion.

Richard: "I found a house for them next to the lake. Is big, perfect for a big family as we want from them."

Christian: "I found a great offer of a honey moon in Egypt after wedding. One week all inclusive."

Great! I'm going in a holiday with her. That's amazing! I don't know how she looks, but let's just hope she's not ugly. I stop listening their disscusion and I start to work. But once again I'm interrupted by my crazy little sister, Alice.


"Hi, Alice."

"I want to talk with you."

"About what?"

"About your wedding."

"It's not your business, Alice."

"Hardin... Shes doesn't want this. She doesn't want to marry you."


"I talked with her, Hardin... And she's forced into this. And it's not ok!"

"And what do you want me to do, huh?" I don't care that I'm going to marry her, Alice. It's just for image. I'm not going to do anything with her. We are going to be a fake couple, that's all."

"And what if you are going to fall in love with her?"

"This is not going to happen."

"Hardin... You have to do something because I don't want to be the next who is going to be forced to marry a stranger."

"Hardin... I will be honest. I just have a feeling that you and Tessa will fall in love. And if I'm right, I want you to do something and convince dad to not force me to do this."

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