When There's a Spike

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Remington sips his martini and scrolls through his phone. He doesn't want to be here and feels awkward as hell. He watches his brother's Instagram stories and they seem to be having fun on their break with their girlfriends. Remington sighs and swirls the olives in his glass when he feels a hand grab his shoulder. "This seat taken?" Remington shakes his head and slowly eats the olives out of the glass, wondering who the hell is next to him. He looks at the heavily tattooed man, slicked back black hair, and a cigarette in his mouth. He definitely is attractive, but has bad vibes surrounding him. Remington swallows the rest of his drink. 

"You look familiar, have we met before?" The older man asks Remington.

"I don't think so. I'm Remington Leith, I came here with Andy."

"From Palaye Royale! Hell yeah I know you. I'm William. I'm with Andy's label. I'm a huge fan. Bartender, can we get him another martini and get me about 6 shots of tequila with some salt and limes?"

Remington takes the martini and sips on it. "How long have you and Andy been together?"

Remington sighs and plays with the olives. "About 6 months now. Or something like that I don't know."

William smirks and slides him a shot. "Trouble in paradise, huh? Andy can be a difficult one sometimes. A lot of people come and go from his life all the time. I can't keep up."

Remington's stomach twists with anxiety at the news. "Oh, I didn't know that," he says quietly, drinking the rest of his drink hastily. He picks up the shot and gulps it down, biting into the lime. "Fuck that burns," he laughs. William laughs and puts his arm around the boy. He takes a shot as well. He passes Remington another shot and they both do another one. He loves watching him laugh. He keeps thinking of the picture of him he stole from Andy. Tonight has to be the night. He smirks at the boy and rubs his back. Remington is starting to fall from tipsy into a drunk state. He is oblivious to William's stares. William passes the last two shots to the boy and watches him drink it down like nothing. 

"Hey, let's go somewhere private and talk about your band. I have some questions for you." William grabs onto Remington's arm and takes him in the back into a private room. 

Lonny watches the two men disappear and doesn't know if he should say anything to Andy. 

"So, how are Sumerian Records treating you?"

Remington sits back on a black couch, relieved that the music isn't as loud in here and is muffled. "They've been pretty good. I mean it's our first time we've gone big so I think it's going as well as it can." The room is spinning and the lights being so dim are making him hard to focus. "Tour is crazy fun. I'm just so happy we have so many fans already."

William smiles and grabs them both a drink. While his back is turned to Remington, he lets a small pill dissolve into his drink. "Ever think about switching labels for your next album?" He calls out over his shoulder. 

"I don't know yet, it's something I'd have to bring all of my brothers into for. We like to have equal say when it comes to this shit."

William hands him another martini and Remington gulps it down, slowly eating the olives. He scrunches his face in disgust but the olives take away the bitter taste. "Well when you get back to your brothers mention it to them. I'd love to sign you boys on. You guys will make it even bigger than you are now." He sits next to Remington and puts his hand on his thigh. Remington goes wide eyed and pulls out his phone. 

Remington- Hey where are you?

The room is still spinning but Remington feels his body heat up. What the fuck is going on?

Remington- Andy please where are you? I'm not feeling good...

William rubs the boy's thigh and smirks. "I've been thinking about you since I first saw you. Andy needs to keep his phone locked more. I saw the photos between you two and oh my god Remington, you can do so much better than that whore Andy." William leans over and starts kissing Remington's neck, making the boy squirm. 

"What the fuck are you doing?" Remington gets up quickly and starts to feel the effects of his spiked drink. He holds his head and groans, feeling the dizziness take over. His heart is beating out of his chest and he is starting to sweat. He falls back into the loveseat and pulls out his phone.

Remington- I'm with your producer. Andy I'm fucking scared please. I'm sorry. He keeps touching me

The spinning intensifies. Remington grabs onto his head and groans. "You are so fucking sexy, you know that? I know I can make you feel better then that nobody can. I can make you even more famous, more rich." William grabs Remington's hand and pushes it into his crotch, smiling evilly. 

"I...I have a boyfriend...please..."

Remington- Andy god fucking damnit please. I think he did something to my drink. Help

"Didn't you ever wonder who was the one texting you? It was me baby. And after this you will be mine forever. Your ass is going to feel amazing on me you little slut." He picks up another drink and shoves it towards Remington's mouth, the boy tries to dodge it.  He then gets up and unzips his pants, letting them fall to the ground. He strokes himself in front of Remington and groans. "Open up you fucking whore."

"Please...no...I'll do anything but this." He slurs out, everything becoming bright. I'm going to pass out

Remington- Everyting is fukingg dizzy Andy. Hes goin to rape me. I cant get up. He too strong

He puts down his phone and rests his head on his hands. The room is starting to go black. William grabs his hair and shoves himself into Remington's mouth. He barely gags and tries to suck in a breath. William continues to fuck his mouth until Remington's eyes start to slowly close. He feels himself get pushed onto his back and his pants are being pulled off. No.....no....

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