When Is There Hope?

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Andy feels his phone vibrate and he sees a text from Remington. 

Remington- I know you said not to talk to you again but I went to your house and got all of my stuff out. I left your key on the coffee table. Thank you for everything, Andy. I know you hate me but you made these last 6 months amazing. I'm going to miss you. Sorry for fucking up your life.

Andy runs his hands through his hair and sighs. He doesn't know what to believe. Then he sees the texts from Remington that night. His stomach feels tight.

Remington- Hey where are you?

Remington- Andy please where are you? I'm not feeling good...

Remington- I'm with your producer. Andy I'm fucking scared please. I'm sorry. He keeps touching me

Remington- Andy god fucking damnit please. I think he did something to my drink. Help

Remington- Everyting is fukingg dizzy Andy. Hes goin to rape me. I cant get up. He too strong

Andy shows Lonny the texts. "Holy fucking shit, Rem was telling the truth."

"I have to go, I can't leave him alone." Andy packs his clothes up hurriedly and runs out of the hotel. Lonny checks him out and makes sure he got everything out of his room.

7 hours later Andy is in Los Angeles. He checks his cameras and sees that Remington isn't there. He pulls out his phone and calls him but it goes to voicemail. He drives to Remington's house and sees his car there. Andy knocks and knocks but no one answers. He starts to panic and finds Remington's key, opens the door and looks around. He sees his bag on the couch and runs upstairs to his bedroom. 

Andy softly knocks on the door. "Baby, it's me... don't be scared." He slowly opens the door and Remington is standing in the bathroom doorway with a towel covering his hips. Remington looks down and plays with his fingers. His eyes are all red and puffy. But what has Andy concerned is the bite marks and bruises all over his ex boyfriend. Andy walks slowly up to the boy, who is trembling and trying not to cry. He touches the bitemark on his shoulder and Remington flinches in pain. Andy puts his hand on Remington's cheek, noticing the bruise he gave him. 

Remington starts to sob and Andy pulls him close and hugs him. "Shhh, baby. Don't cry. I'm here." Andy looks and sees Remington had just cut himself. "Oh baby, let's get these wounds wrapped up." He takes his ex boyfriend into the bathroom and wipes his arms with disinfectant wipes. He lays a gauze band aid over the wounds and wraps it up. He then finds track suit bottoms and helps Remington into them. When he is dressed and wrapped up in a blanket, Andy rubs the boy's back, who still has tears running down his face.

"Remi, tell me everything that happened."

Remington hid his face into the pillow. "It doesn't matter Andy."

Andy frowns and continues to rub his back. "It does matter love. Because if he hurt you without your consent then we need to call the police and press charges."

Remington shakes his head and sighs. "He fucking raped me Andy. He  put something in my drink and then started feeling me up. Talked about pictures on your phone. He shoved himself in my mouth. Pushed me on my back and undressed me. That's all I remember. Except for me texting you and you ignoring me. But I don't want to press charges. I just wanna go to bed."

"No, you are pressing charges, Rem. This shouldn't have ever happened to you. You didn't deserve any of this."

Remington sits up and looks at his ex teary eyed. "I'm a whore, remember? So I did deserve it. I wanted anyone's dick in me, remember that?" He sobs and hugs himself. 

Andy's mouth drops and the guilt is eating him alive. 

"I don't want to be alive Andy. Just leave," the boy whimpers. 

Andy shakes his head and pulls him close. Remington pushes him off and sobs harder. "Get the fuck out Andy."

"Remi...I'm so fucking sorry. You didn't deserve anything I fucking did to you. No matter how pissed I am I shouldn't have ever laid a hand on you."

He wraps his arms around him and Remington gives up, laying his head on his shoulder. "I'm taking you to the hospital. Let them see everything."

Remington nods and sits back up. 

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