When Things Are Half Resolved

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Andy takes Remington to a cute little place called the Peppermill. The inside was cute and neon and it smelled like pancakes. Remington followed closely behind Andy. They get sat around the fire pit and Andy takes a picture of Remington, looking down at the menu. He looks up and gives him a shy smile and continues to look through the menu. 

"I think I'm actually going to have nachos," he says, barely audible. 

"I'll have the same baby." Andy smiles and reaches over and grabs Remington's hand. Remington looks up at him and Andy smirks, making Remington's heart flutter.

"Remember our first date baby? How you were so shy to eat in front of me?"

Remington sips on his drink and nods. He blushes under Andy's stare and looks down.

"Something going on Ands?" He whispers quietly.

"You are just so fucking hot. I love looking at you." Remington rolls his eyes and plays with his drink. 

"I'm serious. You are breathtaking." 

"Yeah sure Ands. I'm sure I am."

Andy sighs, taking a small sip of his drink. "What do I have to do to make you wear your ring again?"

Remington shrugs and looks down. "I really don't want it anymore Andy."

Andy nods and tears up. "I fucked your life up that bad huh?"

Remington stays looking down and doesn't touch his food when it arrives. "I just don't know if I can wear it knowing you and I went against it. Why would I want to wear something so vile?"

"What about in sickness and in health Remington? This is our sickness part. Let me get our marriage back. Let me show you how amazing our life can be together. I want to grow old with you. Don't you love being a rock icon couple?"

Remington has a few tears fall down his cheeks. "I thought we were happy Ands. God every fucking day was blissful. I was in heaven with you. But what hurts the most is I thought you were happy too. Baby where did I go wrong? What did I do to lose you? What made you start ignoring me? Why did you choose him over me?" Remington looks up at him and his bottom lip is shaking. 

The guilt is eating Andy apart. "You never did anything wrong sweetheart. I just fell off. Everything around me didn't exist. I don't know what came over me. I feel so fucking bad but I'll do anything Remington Leith Biersack. "

Remington whispers, "But how do I know you won't do it again? I'm scared to let you back in. I'm not worth it. Maybe you two should get back together..."

Andy grabs his hand and squeezes it hard. "Just give me a little trust baby. I married and chose you because I fucking love you. I want to wake up next to you every morning and fall asleep with you in my arms every night. I want to cook and clean with you and hug you through your anxieties. Please give me that chance."

Remington nods and sniffles, tears are spilling over. He groans and grabs his stomach, starting to feel ill. Andy gets up and sits on Remington's side of the booth and holds him tight.

"Never again baby."

"C...can we just go back to the tour bus? I'm not hungry."

Andy nods and motions for the waiter to bring the check.

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