When The Past Is Scary

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It's been a month and Palaye has been performing about nightly. The shows have been so energetic, so full of life, loud, exhilarating. Emerson and Sebastian have been having the time of their lives meeting fans and drinking after venues. They notice their brother is constantly quiet and to himself. He barely texts his boyfriend anymore. He barely eats anymore. He just sits on the laptop and watches shows all day. 

Emerson goes up to his older brother's bunk and pulls back the curtain. Remington is once again on the laptop watching a movie. "Hey buddy, what are you watching?"

"Big Fish," Remington mumbles. Emerson gets in the bunk and cuddles with his brother. 

"I haven't seen this one in a good while," Emerson says. "We don't have a show tonight so why don't we eat and watch movies together?"

Remington smiles, "Sure Em."

Emerson makes some popcorn and rejoins his brother. Tim Burton movies are their favorite and this movie is so odd. Remington snuggles into his brother and sighs.

After the movie is over, Remington yawns and sits up. 

"When's the last time you talked to Andy, Rem?"

Remington loses his smile and looks down. "It's been a couple days, maybe a week. I don't know why?"

Emerson sighs, "Because I'm worried about you. You've seemed depressed since we started tour. Usually you are the life of the party but you've been so secluded. Andy has been asking about you."

Remington plays with his fingers, "It's hard for me right now. Josie cheated on me every time I went on tour. I guess I just expect him to do the same. He can find so much better than me Em."

Emerson plays with his brother's hair. "Give him a chance Rem. He's not Josie. I know you are crazy about him. Besides, didn't he say it happened to him too? What would make you think he'd do it to you?" 

"I miss him so much it makes me depressed as fuck. But I guess I should give him a chance. He hasn't done anything to break my heart...yet. Wanna watch What Dreams May Come?"

Emerson nods and cuddles his brother once more. 

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