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  It's been a month and I am still working hard, my boss was still acting rude to me. Every little mistakes he will scold me but he was not firing me just what he did to former employees as what I heard. I become friends with some of the employees because of Jaehyun oppa and we become more closer with Irene unnie.

" Can you not go? I will be increasing your salary please.. you are the only one I can trust with my son." Lili decided to go back at Taiwan to applied what she finished. She was hired on our company and I didn't know that she has also dream.

" I want to but my family needs me there and they want me to go back asap." I cant do anything about that, I helped her process her flight so that she go back there immediately. It was late at night and Chanyeol oppa was the one who is looking for Jiro. My unnies are busy they are having party for Jihyo unnie promotion but I can't go because of this and BTS are going there.

   I went back as I saw her disappearing from my sight. I need to find new nanny so I posted online.


   No one is responding on my post and unnies are busy so I decided to bring Jiro at work. I put some cover to him because anyone who can see him will say the same thing, he looks like Kim Taehyung.

  Irene unnie helped me to bring Jiro inside my office, she already meet him and the first thing she said was mini Taehyung.

" Hey little Taetae.." she called him that.

" Someone can hear you unnie." I said

" Don't worry Big Taetae has appointments today."

I sigh in relief when I heard that.

" Behave well my son okay so that mommy will work hard for you."

  Irene unnie left us and say that she will be a lookout for me.

    It was nearly dismissal when someone opened the door, I instantly covered Jiro and went infront of the door to cover him.

" did you see Irene noona?" I thought he was not going here.

" she went to buy something." I feel bad because my son said that he was hungry so Irene unnie volunteered to buy foods. But I can't see any sign of anger from his face.

  He look at me like he was suspicious that I'm hiding something from him.

"okay... just tell her....." he was saying something when my son suddenly speak

" Mom.... Jiro is hungry." My eyes become bigger and started to become nervous.

He entered the room and look at Jiro pouting on his seat. He looked at me suspiciously.

" Mom? Tzuyu what's the meaning of this?" This is the first time he called me with my name again.

     I went to Jiro and ready to cover his face but it was too late he already saw it.
His face become more angry.

   He only looked at baby Jiro then he left, I don't know what to do. It's not the right time to tell him. I contacted my unnies and oppa to tell them what happened.
I don't know but his face says that he was mad.


    I was looking at noona because I need my schedule for next week, my father decided that I should get my prize. He give me time to spend with my girlfriend to have some chill in Paris.

   She is not around on her table which is unusual, so I went to the only room where possible she is.

In Tzuyu's office, I didn't knock and she was so shocked to see me.

She's the target (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now