Chapter 57: Remnants of the Past

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A/N: hello, hello, my dear readers! how have you all been? I said I was going to focus on drawing for a while but it was a lie. I'm drawing for work and when I'm done for the day I don't want to draw anymore lmao so writing it is

I just want to address something before we begin with the chapter. Minor spoilers for the show ahead. I recently watched Season 4 in hopes of writing a certain character better and I saw a scene with Adrien and Kagami where, out of nowhere, she says she likes to draw. I was like, ok cool, but then she asks Adrien to pose for her and later on presses him against a wall. Does that sound familiar to you guys?? Because yeah, I was freaking out. Some other coincidences I didn't care about since they made sense considering the plot of the show, but this was too much lmao if you delete this scene, nothing changes in the show.

It can be a huge coincidence, of course. Hell, it might be! But, if any of you guys reading are the writers of the show or someone related to it and you're so out of ideas you came here to look for something, I have one thing to say: hire me instead, bitches. You know I'll do a good job.

That's all. We can proceed now. I hope you enjoy the chapter! A highly anticipated someone might appear, can you guess who? 👀

chérie - darling
salut - hello
merde - shit
chouchou - sweetheart (non literal)


Chat pushed his hair back with his hands as he looked around the last floor. "This makes no sense."

You two had gone to every floor and checked every room, but the result proved to be the same. All the patients, doctors – and Marius – had disappeared, leaving only a few personal belongings behind. How they had managed to do that, you and Chat hadn't been able to find out. There seemed to be no basement or hidden exit.

You walked to Lila's room and looked inside. Not even her dog plushy was there anymore.

"We were too late," your voice was barely a whisper, yet it seemed too loud in the empty corridor.

"It's not possible." Chat paced around. "We would've seen them leaving!" He kicked a box that was on the ground and it slammed against the corridor wall.

You looked down at your feet, pressing your lips together. Your plan had failed. You had almost gotten Hawkmoth. Almost.

"Do you think all the patients and doctors are involved with Hawkmoth?" You asked. "Or were they kidnapped?"

"There are no signs that a struggle happened," Chat said with a scowl. "They all left willingly. Even the bodyguards."

The wail of sirens cut through the air. You and Chat walked inside Lila's room and looked out the window. Police cars parked in front of the building and Ladybug landed in the middle of them.

"She's here," Chat muttered, pushing away from the window.

You went to follow him when you slipped on something. You grabbed onto the metal headboard of the bed as you cursed.

"Chérie, you okay?" asked Chat as he helped you stand up again.

"Yeah," you answered, your eyes searching the ground.

Crumpled pages with drawings covered the tiles. One had a yellow tint to it. Furrowing, you picked it up and turned it around, seeing weird scribbles and small annotations filling the whole page.

"Chat, look." You gave him the page while you crouched and looked at the other ones. "The other pages don't have those scribbles."

Chat brought the paper closer to his face while squinting. He gasped, making you jolt and get up.

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