Chapter 14: The House among the Statues

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The wind was blowing strong, rustling the last fallen leaves through the streets as you made your way to the Agreste mansion. Clutching your bag with food and your friend's presents in it, you crossed a street and kept walking, looking at the map on your phone from time to time.

But even though Adrien had sent you the address, you couldn't find his house. A frown creased your forehead as you looked at the houses lined up on the street in front of you. None of them had the number he had sent you. A loud rumble of thunder rolled through the sky, making you flinch. You had to find the place as quick as possible before the storm began, and that wouldn't take long.

You stopped in front of a building and looked at it. It was a beautiful three-story house, obviously owned by someone quite wealthy. But it didn't have a number in front of it, so you couldn't be sure if it was the right one.

Biting your lip, you looked around. The streets were almost empty, despite it being in the center of the town, but this was mostly a residential area so it was understandable.

A passerby walking with his Dalmatian caught your attention. Maybe he lived nearby and knew about the surroundings.

"Excuse me, monsieur!" With quick steps you approached the man, who turned in your direction with a raised brow. You smiled and pointed to the building. "Do you know if this is the Agreste manor?"

He stopped and looked at the house with furrowed brows, before he let out a chuckle. "I'm afraid not." He pointed to the other side of the street. "It's that one."

You turned your head and felt your mouth open slightly in shock. The enormous propriety occupied most of the block, with its big front yard taking half of the space. On the other half was the building, an older looking manor with three floors. You didn't know a place like this existed in the center of Paris, which consisted mostly of small apartments. How had you not seen it before?

The man was watching you with an amused face when you looked back at him, while his Dalmatian tried to pull on the leash. Your reaction to seeing the house must have been something.

You thanked the monsieur, smiling at his dog and wishing you could pet it, before crossing the street.

Getting closer to the entrance, you had to strain your neck to look up at the top of the gate. You guessed the size of it was fitting to the place. Your eyes travelled a little to the side and you saw the Eiffel Tower just a few blocks away. You gulped, clutching your bag closer to your body. This place was probably worth a fortune. After pressing the button on the intercom, you waited, shuffling from feet to feet.

"Yes?" A deep voice came from the receiver.

"Hel–," your voice cracked and you cleared your throat, "H-Hello, I'm here for Adrien's party." You cursed internally at your stuttering. There was no need to be nervous.

There was only silence as you waited for an answer, feeling more anxious with each passing moment. Maybe you shouldn't have come. Maybe the party had already started. You were contemplating heading back home when you heard a familiar voice coming from the intercom.


"Adrien?" You asked, a wave of relief hitting you.

"Oh, it's you! Wait a second." The gate made a clicking sound as it began to open.

Well, that was easy, you thought as you made your way to the garden, grateful to be away from the imposing gate.

Perfectly kept grass covered the ground, and you made sure to stay on the path that led to the house. Sculptures were scattered across the yard, and you even recognized some famous ones. They seemed to accompany you as you made your way to the front door.

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