Chapter 13: Coming Rain

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The next three days, which you spent struggling to make progress with the painting, Chat didn't pay you a real visit, but he made sure to appear at your window and ask you how you were doing, being really subtle the first time he did it.

You had just refilled a plastic bowl with clean water to dilute paint, and were in the process of carrying it to the living room when a loud voice boomed in your ears.


In a second the plastic bowl was on the ground on the other side of the room and the water was on your shirt.

You sighed, a hand covering your face. Right when you decided not to use your painting apron. You glared through your wet fingers at Chat, who was on the window parapet, and he put a hand over his mouth, saying a muffled 'sorry'. If he was indeed sorry or just trying hard not to laugh, you weren't sure.

Grumbling, you were going to your room to change when you noticed he hadn't moved. "Aren't you going to come in?"

He glanced at your shirt, which was now stuck to your skin and then shook his head, clearing his throat. "I'm already leaving. I was just passing by and decided to greet my dearest one."

"Oh," you just looked at him with a blank stare for a moment, before your brain processed the information. "Wait, is that supposed to be me?"

A smirk stretched Chat's lips, and he winked, "Of course."

You snorted and looked away, fighting the urge to get flustered by his cheeky words. "Alright..."

Chat chuckled and you looked at him, seeing him gazing at you with a warm smile. As your eyes met, he quickly reversed back to his flirty attitude. "Well, it's good to see you're doing fine, ma belle." He made a flourish with his hand, turning around. "Au revoir!"

"What?" Your eyes widened a fraction as you realized he was already leaving, and you gave a hesitant step forward. "Wait, stay for bit."

He bit his lip, looking back at you. "I can't."

You pursed your lips and grabbed at your wet shirt with a dramatic sigh, muttering, "Just when I was going to change..."

Chat let out a low growl as he narrowed his eyes at you. "Don't," he glanced at your shirt before meeting your amused eyes again. "Don't do this, chérie."

You snickered and he glared at you, which only served to make you smirk. "Go, cat boy, Paris needs you." You headed for your room and he grumbled something before saying a quick 'au revoir' as he left, still grumbling.

During the other three days he didn't appear out of nowhere yelling like a madman, much to your heart and nerve's content. But he always left too soon, and you made sure to always tease him, in hopes he'd stay longer. It didn't work. But it made him flustered, so it was still a win.


A car stormed by, hitting a puddle of water the rain had formed, sending it flying onto the sidewalk. You shrieked as you jumped out of the way, and saw the other pedestrians do the same. They cursed at the driver, but you just chuckled, receiving some odd glances from them, and kept strolling down the street.

It wasn't hard to see why people found it strange to see someone so happy. It was raining hard in Paris. The sky was a light grey and the wind wasn't going easy on anyone. Apparently it wasn't a day to feel happy about, but you were. You had taken your painting to college and they had given you another grade. A fair one this time.

So people could stare as much as they wanted, because you were brimming with happiness. It was one last thing to worry about. You were staying for another six months in Paris.

Chat Noir X Reader: The MuseWhere stories live. Discover now