Chapter 40: Clouds over a Calm Sea

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A/N: Did you think this story would get abandoned? SIKE! It won't happen, my dear readers.

And alas, here we are again. This story is now 3 years old, my goodness. How is that even possible? Did time go by so fast? Yikes.

Anyway! I hope you guys still find my writing enjoyable! It's good to be back <3


"If you need a wedding venue, just tell me." Leonard enveloped Adrien in a bear hug. When he let him go, the blonde groaned and took a deep breath. "Oh, I can already see it! It's going to be breathtaking! It's going to have dancers, white peacocks, coconut rice, and much more!" The man clasped his hands together. "Tell your father about it, and tell him to come back when he can."

"Alright, thank you Leonard. For everything." Adrien let out a coy laugh and shook hands with the man.

The sun created harsh shadows around you as it shone in the cloudless sky. Your clothes were starting to get uncomfortable against your skin as you waited for the vans to arrive at the hotel entrance. It was finally time to go back to Paris, to go back to reality. You didn't know if you were ready to go back, but you didn't have a choice.

"Mr. Malan." An employee appeared behind him and pointed to a phone in her hand.

"Oh, I must take this. Goodbye, lovebirds. I wish you much happiness and light in your lives." He gave you a cheek kiss and then kissed the top of your hand. "Have a good trip back! Au revoir!"

You watched as he passed under the entry arbor and disappeared inside the hotel. "He really thinks we're getting married, huh."

Adrien shrugged. "Maybe we do look like an engaged couple."

You arched one eyebrow. "Really?"

"Leaving so soon?"

You almost jumped out of your skin when you heard the voice near you.

Alix's red hair seemed to be on fire as she stood under the harsh sun, leaning on the hotel's wall. You looked around. When did she even get here? Was appearing out of nowhere a thing between miraculous heroes?

"It's time to go," Adrien said with a somber smile. It seemed that he also didn't want to leave.

"What a pity." Alix pursed her lips. The sound of wheels on the gravel filled the air as the first van arrived. "Take care." She hugged Adrien, closing her eyes as she did so. "Tell the girls I miss them."

You averted your eyes and bit the inside of your cheek. I'm not jealous, you told yourself. Not jealous.

"I will," the blonde said. "Come visit us one day, we all miss you."

She smiled. "I'll think about it."

Alix stood by your side as Adrien put his luggage in the van and then approached you.

"I'll see you soon, chérie." He put a hand on your cheek and kissed you.

You closed your eyes for a moment, telling yourself that you would be together again soon. It was just a few hours.

You smiled at him when he pulled back and gave him a peck on the lips. "Have a good trip."

He waved at you both before getting in the car.

As soon as the van hit the road, Alix spoke. "I'm glad he has you now. The last years haven't been easy for him." You blinked at her, but she was still staring forward. You were not expecting those words to leave her mouth.

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