Chapter 45: Sick Bacchus (Part 2)

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A/N: Hello everyone! Thank you for the kind words about the trip! Everything went well and I got back home safely after watching a samba and a tango show, and also a folkloric Brazilian dance from the northeast region, all in the span of three days. Rio is a beautiful place and it's also full of history.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the chapter :)


You weren't exactly expecting another akuma attack when you went out to buy art supplies for the contest. You had barely managed to leave your bed, your body taking twice the amount of effort to do even simple tasks, but the theme of the Paris Art Contest would be revealed tomorrow, so you had to be prepared.

You were officially sick, as the fever and tiredness – that seemed to come from deep in your bones – suggested. Adrien had been reluctant to leave you in the state you were in, but you managed to convince him you would be alright. You knew it was a lie, but you couldn't keep him from taking care of his errands. He'd scold you if he knew you went out, since you had told him you wouldn't even go to college, so you'd keep it a secret from him.

Your hands were holding more bags than you had anticipated when you left the store. You could never control yourself in art supplies stores. You knew you had to be careful with your money, since the internship only gave you enough for you to survive and the money you had brought with you from your country was already scarce, but it was stronger than you.

When the door of the store closed behind you, a dark butterfly flew away. You furrowed your brows as you watched it go. What was up with all the butterflies?

A flash of lighting made you snap your head up. The sky matched one of the paints you had seen in the store, a dull gray color. The rolling thunder that followed promised that more rain would greet Paris soon. You just hoped you could get home before the storm began.

"Beautiful day, isn't it?"

With a raised brow, you turned to the side and saw a guy with bright teal colored hair. A microphone with a pop filter in front of it was near his mouth, and when you followed the cords of the device, it connected directly into his neck.

You quickly transferred all the bags you were carrying to one hand and shoved the other hand inside your pocket to press both buttons on your pager.

The man grabbed your arm, making you scream. A camera sprouted from his back and focused on your face. You tried to move, but you couldn't look away from the camera. People on the street screamed, running away.

"Hello everybody and welcome back to Truth Serum Youtube channel!" The villain exclaimed in a high-pitched voice. "I'm here with the girl that's rumored to be dating Adrien Agreste. What's your name and where are you from?"

The answer came tumbling out of your mouth without your permission. You clasped your mouth shut when it stopped, feeling nauseated.

"Wonderful!" The guy smiled and then narrowed his eyes. "Weren't you also involved with Chat Noir at some point?" Your head moved up and down. You gritted your teeth. No! Stop!

The villain's smile grew. "How scandalous." He rolled his shoulders and his camera got closer to your face. "And now the one million dollar question. Are you dating Adrien Agreste?"

You felt the words forming in your sore throat, demanding to be let free. You bit your bottom lip hard and every muscle in your body grew tense as you refused to obey. But you knew you wouldn't be able to resist for much longer; your sick body was already getting exhausted from the effort.

"So?" The guy tightened his hold on your arm. "Spill it."

The Youtuber's camera got yanked backwards by a yo-yo cord and he screamed in pain, letting go of you. Your vision got blurry as your body relaxed. The bags you were carrying hit the floor, and your knees buckled.

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