Chapter 69: The Fall of the Damned

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A/N: Today is the fated day, my dears. I wanted to share this chapter earlier, but I decided to make some adjustments and the time flew by lol but it's here now! This chapter was probably one of the most difficult ones to write, but I'm proud of how it turned out.



Hawkmoth's base was under attack.

As you quietly followed Nathalie through the tunnels, you heard the desperate conversations of Hawkmoth minions that ran from one place to the other like ants. Apparently, Ladybug and her friends had invaded the base and were destroying everything. They had killed dozens and gouged their eyes out to offer to an unnamed god.

You took many of those conversations with a grain of salt, but one thing was undeniable: the final plan was in motion.

Wearing guard uniforms, you and Nathalie crossed the base undetected and arrived at the meeting point, a large alcove near one of the south entrances. A long metal ladder went up the wall until it disappeared in the darkness.

"Where are they?" You asked as your eyes shifted from one tunnel to the other. You mistook the graffiti on the walls for silhouettes a few times, making your heart race.

Nathalie looked at the watch on her wrist. "They should be here already."

You nipped at your nails. What if something had gone wrong? What if Manon had caught everyone? The earpiece was silent; it had stopped working for a while now. You had no clue what was happening with everyone.

Footsteps echoed in the darkness. Nathalie grabbed your arm and pulled you to the alcove.

"I can't believe Blanc managed to get Ladybug's earrings!" A woman said.

You held your breath as the footsteps grew near.

Another woman laughed. "Yeah, she was a fool for coming here. Good riddance."

The first woman hummed. "With Ladybug out of the way, there will be no one to stop us now!"

The conversation faded as the women walked away, but your heart didn't calm down even as silence reclaimed the tunnels. You couldn't believe Blanc had gotten Ladybug's earrings. What about the plan?

You sought Nathalie's eyes in the darkness. "Nathalie, do you think–"

"Shh!" She put her finger over her lips.

You heard another set of footsteps approaching, this time from another direction. Based on the sound, it seemed to be three or four people, but unlike those women, they weren't talking but walking silently.

"Are we there yet?" A familiar voice whispered. "I don't think he can walk for much longer."

"The exit is just a few meters up ahead." Another familiar voice replied.

Nathalie rushed out of the alcove and you followed her.

Alya shrieked, putting a hand on her chest. "Putain, you almost killed me!" She then glanced at Gabriel, who was leaning on her arm. "Hum, sorry, Mr. Agreste."

"It's alright." He gave her a weak smile. "I was quite startled as well."

"Sorry for appearing out of nowhere," you said while Nathalie ran to Gabriel's side and took him from Alya, who gave her a weirded out look.

"It's all good." Alya wrapped you in a bear hug. "We missed you so much!"

She sniffled and you felt tears well up in your eyes as well. "I missed you too."

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