Chapter 15: Ch. 14: A Light on the Sea (Chat's/Adrien's POV)

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Author's Note:

I made a survey about which chapter people wanted to read in Chat's/Adrien's POV and this was the winner!


His feet were tapping on the roof of the church, the sound dispersing in the early morning. The cold wind was stronger here, and his hair was pushed to the side, his locks getting messier than they already were. The city stretched out in front of him, and his eyes looked around, distracted, since his mind was far away, busy with the most essential thoughts.

What was he going to wear? Should he dress casually or something more formal? His eyes snapped to someone running some streets away, but realizing that it was just a kid, he retreated back into his thoughts.


And the food. He told the cook he didn't have to make a meal for them, but now he was questioning his decision. Would the snacks be enough?

"Chat Noir!"

The stern voice made him freeze and turn to the girl by his side with wide eyes. Ladybug was looking at him through annoyed eyes, her expression similar to the gargoyles that surrounded them. She glanced to his feet and he realized that in his anxious thoughts he had been disturbing the quiet around them.

"Sorry," Chat muttered in a quiet voice, not trying to put up a happy façade in front of her. They had already gone past that point in their friendship.

She sighed, adjusting herself better on the steep roof. "You need to calm down."

"I'm calm," he said quickly.

"Yeah?" She pursed her lips, arching one brow at him. "Then why were you fidgeting all throughout patrol?"

He shrugged. She most likely knew the answer, so he didn't have to say anything.

She sighed once more at his reaction, letting a tiny white cloud into the air and reminding him of how cold it was. It was difficult to remember when his suit protected him so well.

The sky was a light gray, with clouds covering every expanse of blue, a promise of rain clear in them.

"Everything is going to be fine, chaton." Lady put a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "She'll go to the party, we'll have a good time, you won't reveal your secret identity to her... Simple as that."

Chat chuckled, shaking his head. "I'm not worried about that, Lady." She kept looking at him, waiting for him to elaborate. He glanced at his finger, where his magic ring was. "She likes me as Chat, that much I can see, but..." He let a sigh finish his sentence, as he couldn't bring himself to say the rest.

Ladybug seemed to understand the words that didn't want to come out of his mouth. He didn't know why he couldn't say it.

Probably because you don't want to hear it, his thoughts suggested.

"Just be yourself," Lady squeezed his shoulder in a comforting manner. "You don't need spandex clothes and some cat ears to impress someone. Although they're pretty cool."

She winked and Chat smiled at her. Lady always had a way with words.

A distant scream reached their ears, and they both turned to the source of it. That's why they were on top of Notre Dame in a cold morning like this. They would be busy in the afternoon with the party, so they had to ensure things were okay in the city first. It was their duty as Paris' heroes.

Ladybug nodded to him and he nodded back, following her as she ran on top of the roof. Adrenaline filled his veins as they jumped off in the air. He could worry about the party later.

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