Chapter 50: Fallen Angel (Part 2)

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A/N: Hello everyone!! I thought I would be able to finish editing this chapter sooner, but that never happens lol but thanks to that I'm able to post this on my birthday (something I've always wanted to do), so I'm really happy. I'm also happy because I just saw a wild maned wolf an hour ago at the hotel I'm staying. They're one of the most gracious animals I've ever seen („ಡωಡ„)

Ahem, anyway, I hope this chapter also makes you happy in some way! lol enjoy!


Marius walked inside a park. Unlike other Parisian parks, or any expanse of land in the city that had a large patch of grass on it, it was empty. That was enough to put you on high alert.

Trees on either side of the gravel path loomed over you, casting shadows on your way. Smaller paths cut through the grass to your right and to your left, but Marius strolled down the main one, his hands in his pockets, as if he had done this a thousand times. You followed after him, walking quietly on the grass, near the trees and bushes, ready to hide if something happened.

Birds chirped around you and gushes of wind ruffled the leaves as you walked deeper into the park. You tried not to get distracted and focus on the task at hand. If this didn't lead to proof that Marius was involved with Hawkmoth, you would be shocked. He had to be working with him.

You touched the stun gun inside your pocket. You hoped you didn't have to use it and could go back safely after getting some sort of clue or evidence.

You slowed to a stop when Marius halted in the middle of the path. You hid behind a tree and peeked around it. The brunet put a hand on his side and doubled over a little, groaning. You heard him curse when he stood up straight and began to walk again.

After waiting a few seconds, you began to follow him. His steps were slower than before, and you wondered what had happened to leave him like that. It seemed that just the small effort of walking was painful to him now, and while it was easier to follow him, you had to be more careful with the noises you made.

As if on cue, your phone beeped. Marius looked back and you quickly ducked behind some bushes, holding your breath. You stood still until you heard the sound of his fading footsteps. Grabbing your phone, you put it in silent mode while chastising your past self.

You leaned to the side, seeing Marius making his way down the path. You had a few moments to look at your phone before he disappeared.

You felt your chest tighten when you read the message.

Cute model boy: where are you?

You swallowed dry as you glanced at Marius. He was still in your line of sight.

Your hands were shaking as you typed.

You: I'm taking care of something. I'll be there in a moment

With a heavy heart, you shoved your phone in your pocket and started to walk after Marius again.

The gravel path gave way to a vast expanse of grass. A tall modern building stood in the middle of it. Marius marched to the entrance, a hand pressed against his right side.

You hid behind a tree as you surveyed the place. The sign in the front yard read 'Centre de Réeducation Wang Fu'. You didn't get a good feeling from it. It was difficult to know if it was the reflective glass, that made the building merge with the scenery, or the many windows covering the walls, which gave you a feeling of being watched, or the fact that this place seemed to be in the middle of nowhere . Not even the beautiful flowers that filled the field in front of the building helped to ease the eerie aura of the place.

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