Chapter 12: A Meeting at Nightfall

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Bright light and a blaring alarm woke you up the next day. You blinked several times, taking off the crooked sleep mask that covered your face. Looking around, you saw Chat wasn't around anymore. You shouldn't feel so disappointed by it, but a small part of you expected to see him still laying by your side, with his lovely blonde locks messy from sleep. You sighed, wondering if one day that could ever happen.

Scrubbing your eyes, you grabbed your phone from the little table near your bed to deactivate the insistent alarm when a note fell on the ground.

"Oh." You quickly got up and grabbed the post it note, recognizing the calligraphy. Chat. A smile stretched your sleepy face.

Bonjour, my princess! I hope my amazing presence didn't bother your sleep. It was a lovely night. You indulge me, chérie. And I guess I already told you that you look adorable when you sleep, right?

P.S.: Check your phone.

At the end there was a little drawing of a winky face with cat ears and by its side a small paw that seemed quite realistic.

You grinned, opening your phone's gallery. The fact that he had taken the time to write another one of these notes to you warmed your heart.

Your pictures showed up and there it was, the last one. You were sleeping with your arm wrapped around Chat's waist, your face in his neck. The cat boy was mostly cropped out of the photo, with only half of his body appearing. Like the last time, Chat edited the image with cat ears and– Wait.

You squinted at the screen. If Chat was laying right next to you, how did he take the picture? Your brows furrowed as you couldn't find an explanation. How?

Your phone's alarm went off again and you jumped, disabling it with a curse. You pursed your lips, knowing you had to leave for class.

As you got ready for the day, the mysterious photo occupied most of your thoughts. You'd have to ask Chat later how he managed to do that.

As you walked through the university corridors that morning, you noticed people were glancing at you when you passed by. You began to worry when the looks didn't stop; maybe you had something on your face or maybe a pigeon had given you a nasty gift – Paris was full of them, so it wouldn't be a surprise.

You were trying to find the nearest bathroom when you saw Marinette sitting on the ground outside her classroom with other students, probably waiting for her class to begin. Her clothes were awesome as always, a stylish backpack by her side.

She spotted you, a big smile stretching her face and you waved at her, getting closer.

"Bonjour! Ça va?" She got up and kissed your cheek, which was more like touching her cheek against yours.

"Ça va." You smiled and then noticed the other students were staring at you. You clenched your jaw and lowered your voice. "Is there something on my face?" You saw her eyebrows furrow. "Like bird poop or anything?"

She made a disgusted face. "Ew, no." A wave of relief washed over you. Mari arched a brow. "Why?"

"Because people won't stop staring at me." You raised your voice slightly, looking pointedly at the students and they turned their faces away quickly.

"Oh." Marinette watched the exchange with furrowed brows for a moment. "It must be because of the incident with the teacher yesterday."

You felt your eyes widen. "What incident?" The words slowly left your mouth as if trying to postpone the information that was about to come.

It was Mari's turn to look surprised. "You don't know?" You only shook your head negative and she tsked, passing a hand through her short hair. "Merde, I thought Alya had told you."

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